WEB OF MEN AND SAFE ZONES This morning with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will be talking about WEB OF MEN and SAFE ZONES. The Holy Spirit and the Word of God is our ultimate teacher, 1John 2:20,27 but there are men He appoints to teach and guide us in our walk with the Lord, Isaiah 30:20&21. Ultimately we need the Holy Spirit but we also need men. Because we are not all becoming the same thing in God, our teachers will be different, Ephesians 4:11, 1Corinthians 12:28. What this means is that you can't copy somebody else and make their teachers your teachers you won't become what God wants you to be. You will only end up as a copy and not as original and that is not God's plan for you. God wants you to be an original. God seeds our spirit with what we are suppose to be as an individual. What I mean is that the real you is buried deep inside you. You don't know the real you, only God and His Spirit knows the real you. So the first step to discover...