
Showing posts with the label Dynamics
THE DYNAMICS OF RECEIVING MARK 11:24 Today, by God's grace I will be sharing with us on the dynamics of receiving. Often times we don't know that receiving has dynamics.  We have been taught how to pray, how to study the Word, how to fast and how to confess, but little has been taught about how to receive.  What is dynamics?  It is the  know-how of a thing. How a thing works to bring about the result it gives.  Receiving has dynamics.  That you prayed does not mean you will receive. Also, that you fasted does not mean you will receive.  You must know how to receive to receive. There is a powerful scripture in Mark 11:23 that separates receiving entirely from asking.  So, we kmow from this scripture that it is one thing to pray and another thing entirely to receive.  Before I go into the things that makes for receiving, it is important that we must understand that God puts graces upon men to help their fellow men.  The answer or solution to your current problem is a grace that s