ESTHER 2:9&15

Esther did not just become attractive to king Ahasuerus and became his queen, she was taught what to do to win the heart of the king by Hegai who had charge of the harem. 

Jesus handed us over to the Holy Spirit to continue His ministry on earth(John 15:26), to teach us what to do to please the Father and make us attractive to Him, John 14:26 

But first of all, Esther had to please Hegai, an example of the Holy Spirit by recognizing and honoring his person, she respected his opinions and suggestions and because of this she found his favour, Esther 2:9. 

It was after Esther had pleased Hegai, that he showed her what to do, how to appear before the king, what to take along to win the heart of the king. 

Hegai did not delay the supply of Esther's beauty treatment and special food because she found favour in his sight.

We do not know how to please God, it is the Holy Spirit that teaches us, 1Corinthians 2:11. 

There is nobody in the Bible that rose to greatness that was not shown a mystery or mysteries that led to their greatness. They were all taught by the Lord, Isaiah 54:13. 

Prosperity is taught by the Holy Spirit, Isaiah 48:17, Deuteronomy 8:18. Esther was taught what to do to win the king's favour, Esther 2:15. 

Joseph was shown the meaning of the kings dreams, Genesis 41:25-32. Moses had an encounter that turns an ordinary shephard's rod to a supernatural rod, Exodus 4:2-4. 

David was taught how to kill Goliath with a sling and five smooth stones, 1Samuel 17:45-49. The meaning of the king's dream was revealed to Daniel, Daniel 2:19. 

Daniel was taught that consecration is the key to being distinguished, Daniel 1:8,17-20 Solomon was taught giving a thousand burnt offering would draw God's attention, nobody would ordinarily give that amount of burnt offering, 1kings 3:4-5. 

Ruth was shown that her way to greatness lies in following Naomi, though to the ordinary man it seemed a very foolish thing to do, Ruth1:16-18. 

If there wasn't something she knew she would have acted just like Oprah did, Ruth1:14-15. 

It was revealed to Abigail that David was not an ordinary fugitive(1Samuel 25:32-33), she spoke so prophetically that one would have known that speech was not her own. 

Abigail was taught how to recognize and speak to a beggar on his way to greatness in order to escape the claws of a wicked and foolish husband who was about to die and she found her way to the throne of the soon-to-be king. 

A transition was about to take place, rather than become a victim, a widow; she became a queen because the Holy Spirit taught her how to speak, 1Samuel 25:39.

Jacob was shown what to do to prosper and escape the cunning devices of a task master uncle who has changed his wages ten times to favour himself to Jacob's detriment, Genesis 31:10-13, 41. 

Abraham was encouraged by God to take the barren land left after Lot had taken the well watered plain of the Jordan that looked like the garden of the Lord, Genesis 13:10-11. 

Elisha did not end up like the sons of prophet because he was shown that his greatness lies in following Elijah closely,1Kings 19:21, 2Kings 2:6,9-10. 

The widow of Zeraphath was helped by God to be able to give up her last meal for the prophet, that was not ordinary, 1Kings 17:9. 

The widow of one of the sons of prophet was moved by God to go and see the prophet and her tail of woes ended, 2Kings 4:1. 

The great woman of Shunem was taught by the Lord how to discern between the common and the Holy man of God, 2Kings 4:9. 

Job became the wealthiest man in the East because the secret of God was upon his tabernacle, Job 29:4

In this Kingdom, we reign on the strength of the mysteries we know and it all starts with your relationship with the Holy Spirit. 

How well you please Him will determine how quickly He will supply your beauty treatments and your special foods. 

The oil of myrrh symbolizes death and burial, yet it was included as part of the beauty treatment of Esther. 

Infact, it was the one that was applied for the longest period of time (6months) and served as the foundation for every other cosmetics and perfumes that were later applied in the remaining six months, Esther 2:12. 

There is a way to appear before the King(Jesus), that He becomes enthralled(captivated) by your beauty, Psalms 45:10-15. 

Esther knew not how but Hegai knew how and she submitted to His leadership. Because of this, she went to see the King with only the things Hegai prescribed and not the things she thought were best for her, Esther 2: 13,15. 

Esther became great because she went by the suggestions, opinions and advice of Hegai on how to please the King.

Do not ever find yourself choosing for yourself, always allow the Holy Spirit be the one to chose for you even when He has given you the freedom to chose for yourself. 

All the girls were virgin, all of them went through the purification process(the beauty treatments and special food)but what stood Esther out was her obedience to Hegai's instruction to take to the king only the things he prescribed for her.

"And this is how she would go to the King: Anything she wanted was given to her to take with her from the harem to the King's palace.....

When the turn came for Esther to go to the King, she asked for nothing other than what Hegai, the King's eunuch who was in charge of the harem suggested. And Esther won the favour of everyone who saw her.....

Now the King was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favour and approval more than any of the other virgins. So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti". Esther 2:13,15,17.

Now you have seen how much you need the Holy Spirit, there is only so little you can achieve without His help. 

Even if you say I will work hard and become all that I want to be, Isaiah 31:1-3. Yes you can because the Bible says, "And now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do", Genesis 11:6.

You may birth forth but you don't have the power to defend, protect and preserve what you have birthed forth, Psalm 33:16-19, Psalm 127:1&2, Isaiah 31:5.

But for those that will allow the Holy Spirit take charge of their lives, the Bible says, 

"And the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence.

And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the day time from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain, Isaiah 4:5&6.

Refuse to make lie your refuge and hide under falsehood, turn to the Holy Spirit right where you are and acknowledge your helplessness before Him. Ask Him to come and take charge of your life. Surrender completely to Him today.

And if you are reading this post and you are not yet born again and you want to give your life to Jesus. Say this prayer after me and mean if genuinely from your heart:

Dear heavenly Father, I confess Jesus Christ as Lord. I believe with my heart that Jesus is the Son of God and that He shed His blood and was crucified to pay for my sins. 

I believe that Jesus did rise from the dead on the third day. I believe that Jesus is alive, and that He will save me now. Lord, I am a sinner. I ask You to forgive my sins and to save me right now. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 

Lord, I thank You that I am saved! I am a new creature, and I am now in the family of God, I have become the righteousness of God!

Congratulations you are now born again!





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