Imagine how hard the work of Apostle Paul would have been in the life of Timothy if there had been no Louise and Eunice to prepare the ground for his coming.  

May be instead of finding him in church, he would have had to pick him up among drug addicts somewhere in town.

And the time he would have spent to first of all clean him up might not have allowed for God's calling to fully find expression in the life of Timothy because a mother and a grandmother failed in their assignment. 

As far as God is concerned, the work that Timothy's mother and grandmother did in his life was as equally important as that of Apostle Paul. 

When we talk of Timothy, Apostle Paul's spiritual son immediately comes to mind but we don't readily remember Louis and Eunice, his mother and grandmother.

Whether we like it or not, not everybody will have the five fold kind of ministry but everybody has a ministry, a ministry as equally important as the five fold ministry. Have you found yours? 

The entire ministry/ life assignment of a mother and grandmother was to prepare the heart of a young boy for God. 

They both did not have an inkling what the boy's destiny in God was, God did not reveal it to them directly. 

Their work in the life of that boy was like that of John the Baptist, to prepare the ground for the Apostle Paul that was coming, John 1:23. 

Their assignment was to break the unploughed ground of the heart of that boy through prayer and sow the seed of God's word there(2Timothy 1:5) and once that was done, they have fulfilled God's purpose for sending them to the earth. 

Eunice and Louis could have failed in their own assignment by thinking it is too small and not take heed to it or think because they were not seeing visions concerning the future of the boy give up and stop what they were doing. 

The reason you are not seeing visions of his future is because that was not part of your assignment, is for an Apostle paul somewhere. 

Don't stop praying, don't stop sowing the seed of God's word. You may just notice that he begins to love the things of God, his heart is drawn to a particular genuine man of God, not necessarily your own pastor, just allow God have His way, that is your prayer working. 

Atimes, you may not see the effect of your prayers for a long time, don't say I have been doing this for so long, yet this boy is not changing. 

You may not see the effect of that prayer until that boy enters university. You are so worried about him but you have continued praying. 

The boy has not given his life to Jesus and he is now about to leave home where he will be too faraway for you to monitor what he does and where he goes. 

But few months into his 100 level, your prayers guided his path to a friend who took him to a fellowship and from there things started happening. 

The once upon a time stubborn boy begins to love God, behave well and enter into his destiny in God.

You thought your prayer is not achieving much but your prayers guided his choices. Your prayers allowed God to influence his decisions, meet the right kind of friends and associations and go to the right kind of places. 

They look so little and you almost take it for granted. You never really see it as being in ministry because you are not standing before thousands upon thousands of people raising wheel chairs, healing the sick and casting out devils. 

You may not be able to cast out demons, but your prayers is keeping the demons away from your home, from your children, from your affairs. 

Because of this the devil lies to you that your prayer is too much afterall you are not in ministry. He wants you to stop praying so that he can enter. 

He knows once he enters you may not be able to cast him out easily but if you keep praying, your prayer will keep him off. 

Don't wait until he enters and then try to get him out, let your prayers keep him away. Never stop praying. 

We may want God to use us in a particular way but all God is saying is to surrender to Him and allow Him use us the way He wants. 

That way may be to prepare the heart of your children for God through prayer and sowing the seed of God's word now and He will send the rain later. 

Jochebed, Moses's mother raised three mighty children for God. All of them were mightily used of God. 

The mother of John Wesley had nine children, all of them were great.

Though these women were not popular, they fulfilled purpose. 

Don't say because you are not seeing any shoot break out of the ground stop what you are doing. 

He will send the rain for the seed you have sown in the ground at His own time. 

Isaiah 30:23 says, "Then shall he give the rain of thy seed that thou shall sow the ground withal; and bread of the increase of the earth, and it shall be fat and plentious: in that day shall your cattle feed in large pastures"

You just keep breaking the unploughed ground of your children's heart. Keep scattering the cummin and sow the caraway, then wait for the rain. 

An Apostle Paul is coming who will water the seeds, provide the right kind of atmospheric condition and you will see the shoot breaking out of the ground as God causes it to grow, 1Corinthians 3:6-9.


Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!





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