PSALM 18:34, 1Corinthians 9:26

You may be wondering if this message is applicable to you because when we hear battle we turn our backs and mind to it immediately.

However the truth is that the whole earth is in a battle; even your own mind is a battle field. If we are not going to fight battles, then why did God call christians soldiers? 2Timothy 4:7

That word soldier alone reminds you of battles and wars, 2Timothy 2:4.

Whether you are a believer or an unbeliever you are in the midst of a battle already, so it is important you learn how to fight.

The first thing in a battle is not to fight but to understand the battle.Battles must be well defined.

To define a battle amd understand what it is you are fighting you need light(illumination the ).

Light brings out everything that is in darkness,0 so that they can be seen clearly for what they really are, John 1:5, Ephesians 5:13.

Psalm 18:28 says "Thou will enlighten my darkness". John 8:13, Jesus said he that follows Him will not walk in darkness he will have the light of life.

When we fight in darkness without understanding  what we are fighting we fight as one beating the air and the enemy is dodging many of our blows even though we are striking so hard at him, 1Corinthians 9:26 .

This is so because we are fighting without seeing who or what we are fighting.

It is in the job description of the Holy Spirit  to teach us how to fight, Psalm 18:34, Psalm 144:1.

So when there is a battle the first thing is not to cast and bind and take authority over it, but to ask the Holy Spirit  to enlighten our darkness.

Sometime ago, my car had fault and i repaired it. The repair cost me quite some money. Just about 2weeks after repairing it the fault started again.

Immefiately I started rebuking the devourer. I prayed so fast and hard casting and binding until the Holy Spirit asked me what i was doing.

I was taken aback by that question but then the Holy Spirit  gave me six scriptures that i should make prayers with them, Acts 12:5.

All the scriptures were centered around Him enlightening my darkness. When I did the Lord revealed something to me.

He showed me where i was walking outside of His will and the consequence was what I was seeing on the outside.

So, instead of binding and casting i adjusted myself in those areas.

This experience is peculiar to me, it is not a doctrine. It does not mean if anything is wrong with your car it is because you are outside of His will.

I could have continued casting and binding and nothing would have happened because I have not closed the door that is giving satan access to my life.

What i needed to do is to close that door first and then bind and cast.

In any battle, always Ask the Holy Spirit what is the devil after? Ask Him what has the devil come to steal, kill and destroy? John 10:10.

Only when you know what the battle is all about can you define what victory is.

The devil is very deceptive in nature. He can be coming after your spiritual life yet what he is attacking is your finances.

He can be coming after your destiny yet what he is attacking is your marriage.

He can be coming after your marriage and he is brining promotion and open doors.

If the Lord does not enlighten your darkness you will fight to protect your finances and lose your spiritual life.

You will embrace the promotion and lose your marriage. You will fight to protect your marriage and kill your destiny.

The end result is that one loses both ways because one was fighting as one beating the air.

You will still be in the marriage but not enjoy it and you will not be able to fulfil destiny either.

One will have the money but not be satisfied and the spiritual life too is down .

The devil loves it when we are ignorant of what he is really after but the Holy Spirit is in us to expose his schemes and devices by showing us what he is really after so that we will know what to fight to protect, 2Corinthisns 2:11.

Only when we know what to fight to protect can we correctly define what victory is.

Victory for Joseph was running away from Israel with baby Jesus to Egypt not continuing to stay in town, Matthew 2:13.

Victory sometimes could be carrying the man child with the scepter in his hands into the wilderness in order to hide and protect him, Revelations 12:4-13.

If it is your spiritual life you must protect then victory is that you are flourishing in your spiritual life not that you have more money in your bank account.

Victory is that the destiny was preserved not that the marriage was preserved.

Apostle Paul  on his way to Rome, his ship got caught in the storm but no life was lost.

The victory there was not that the ship remained intact but that no lives were lost, Acts 27:22-25. The ship could have been preserved but lives lost.

Another ship was later provided for them to continue their journey. If lives had been lost there can never be a replacement except a miracle happened. Ship can be replaced but lives cannot be replaced.

What is the essence of a ship without people, it can't even stir itself if there is no human to stir it. So the people are more important than the ship.

When we allow people define what victory is for us we miss God by a mile.

Only in His presence can we define correctly what victory is. It is in His light that we see light, Psalm 36:9.

God can still mend a broken marriage but if you die in an abusive marriage your destiny will be transfered to someone else to fulfil.

Victory is not as the world defines it or as people defines but as God defines it relative to what the devil is seeking to steal kill and destroy in your life.

Allow God to define battles for you and to tell you what constitute victory in a battle. Whatever you lose in the process He is able to give it back to you as a reward.




Salvation is found in none else, for there is no name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved, except the name of Jesus.

You may be watching this video and you have not yet given your life to Jesus. This is another opportunity for you to make that decision for Jesus by saying this prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

Lord Jesus, I love You with all my heart. I believe that You are the Son of God that died and she'd His blood for my sins. Today, I receive Your life and I declare thatI am Yours. Congratulations you are now born again.



Elizabethkenny said…
Lord, enlighten my darkness and help to define battles in your own perspective. Amen

Thank you for this ma����

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