What is the devil after? Why is he pursuing so hard after christians. Why does he bring sickness, poverty, sufferings and afflictions? 

Why does he bring persecutions, rejection, hardship and the likes? 

The devil is not after your money, your marriage, your body your children or job.

He is only after one thing, THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS, to steal it from you. 

So, he attacks all those things in your life as a means to an end. That end is to steal, kill, and destroy the testimony of Jesus in your life. 

Results produced after the flesh exalts the flesh. Results produced after the Spirit exalt Jesus. 

The Bible says flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God,1Corinthians 15:50. It is the result born after the Spirit that carries the testimony of Jesus. 

The flesh has in itself the capacity to produce tremendous results but such result does not exalt the name of Jesus rather it exalts the strength and wisdom of men. Genesis 11:6. 

You can bear result on your own by applying yourself to whatever you want to achieve and you will achieve it but that result will glorify human strength not Jesus. 

Results that will glorify Jesus are obtained by promise snd are attained by following His ways. By this I mean the ways of the Spirit. 

When God comes to you with a promise and say to you i will give you this, or you will become this, what is he trying to do? 

You can become or attain unto something without the promise yet God comes with a promise. Why? 

When you wanted to study medicine God didn't come with a promise. You love to become a doctor and you apply yourself to it and here you are today a medical doctor. 

That achievement didnt come by promise.You love to be a doctor you applied yourself to it and gave it all it required and you are one today. 

God said in the book of Isaiah that before things happen he declares them so that when they happen you will not say my idols gave me this, Isaiah 48:5

He gives promises, so that there can be a clear distinction between what He does and those things that you have that came by applying yourself to it.

Only the children born by promise can carry the testimony of Jesus not children born by the flesh. 

The devil went after the man child born by the woman in our anchor scripture. That male child represent the testimony of Jesus. That male child with the scepter in his hands to rule the nations, Revelations 12:5. 

There is a wide distinction between the things you obtain by promise and those things you obtain by the arm of flesh. 

So when God comes with a promise what it means is that you will have to wait for it and what what he gives you is THE TESTIMONY. 

The devil too will come and say while wait when you can have it by the strength of flesh. What is the difference anyway? Is it not results you want to have? 

Results does not matter as much as how you obtain them. Because it is the way you obtain those results that determine who they glorify, Jesus or flesh. 

To this end we saw Ishmael and we saw Isaac. A child born by the flesh versus a child born by the spirit.  

To this end also, we saw Sarah and Hagar, the free woman versus the bond woman. The heavenly Jerusalem versus the earthly Jerusalem. 

If it is results you are after you can get it any how, a child is a child whether Ishmael or Isaac. But if it is the testimony of Jesus you want to carry, you will be mindful how you obtain your results.

It has to come by promise not by flesh and that exactly is what the devil is after, THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS.  

He is after that man child with the scepter in his hand to rule the nations. He is after the child of promise. 

When you have a promise from the Lord be ready for serious battle with the devil because he knows what that promise means; the testimony of Jesus, so he goes after it immediately, Revelations 12:17. 

That testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy, Revelations 19:10. It will reproduce itself again and again in the lives of as many that hear it, so the devil wants to destroy it at its infancy, Revelations 12:4. 

May be you have a promise from the Lord and ever since that time the devil has been fighting you, I bring you an explanation as to why. 

You are not the first. Hagar despised Sarah when she saw that she was pregnant, Genesis 16:4. Ishmael mocked Isaac when he was yet a child, Genesis Genesis 21:9. 

I assure you if you go by the way of the flesh you will have results; but that  result will mock the promise of God in your life and make you look like a fool for waiting on God to give it to you when you could have gotten it any other way. 

Before you give up and go the way of the flesh to have what God wants to give you by promise;  remember it us only the children of promise that can carry the testimony of Jesus.  

The Lord knows this and he spoke through Isaiah in Isaiah 54:1 to tell the barren woman to sing and break forth into joy thou that did not bear. For many are the children of the desolate woman than of her that is with husband. 

I am repeating those same words to you again this morning you that have been waiting for the promise of God and it looks like you are barren in the face of the achievements of human strength. 

I am saying this so you can patiently wait for that which God has promised. Remember what the devil is after is the testimony of Jesus, not your job, house, child or marriage.

He only uses all those things as tools to steal, kill and destroy the testimony. God has given you the two wings of the great eagle so that you can fly into the wilderness where a place has been prepared for you, Revelations 12:14. 

Part of those wings of the great eagle is this message coming to you this morning. 

Now that you know this you can cooperate with the Holy Spirit to protect that man child with the  scepter in his hands to rule the nations and to dash them into pieces like a pottery. 

That man child is the testimony of Jesus. 

I pray for you that the anointing that backs this message will bring a fresh supply of grace to your life to wait for the promise in Jesus name. 

Anytime we subscribe to the way of the flesh to obtain what God wants to give us by promise, the testimony of Jesus becomes of no effect again in our lives.

It loses its power to bring many to the ability of Jesus Christ to save, heal, bless, redeem and deliver. 

Cry to the Lord, and ask for the grace to wait for Him to bring to pass what He has promised in His own way and time.


Salvation is found in none else, for there is no name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved, except the name of Jesus.

You may be reading this postand you have not yet given your life to Jesus. This is another opportunity for you to make that decision for Jesus by saying this prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

Lord Jesus, I love You with all my heart. I believe that You are the Son of God that died and she'd His blood for my sins. Today, I receive Your life and I declare thatI am Yours. Congratulations you are now born again.




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