HEBREWS 8:6-13

What is the difference between old testament and new testament? What did the death of Jesus came to restore to us? Matthew 27:51

Even though in answering these questions we can come up with a list of answers, but the major difference between the two and the major thing that the death of Jesus came to offer us is RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, Jeremiah 31:34. 

Authentic relationship stands upon the leg of understanding. 

When we talk of understanding  someone; what we are saying is that we know their heart to some extent, Exodus 20:20-21. 

If someone say something about someone you have a deep relationship with that is not true you can say I know this man, he wouldn't do what you have said or the reason why he did this is because of this. 

You can say that because you understand that person. You know his heart. 

The difference between God as God and God as a Father is relationship, Romans 8:15. 

Having relationship with God is so we can understand His ways. His reasoning, His thinking, His heart desires. 

Until we know these things we can't represent Him well. 

The difference between Moses and the rest of God's people was that He understood God and His ways, Deuteronomy 4:10. 

When the people of God don't  know God by relationship the result is legalism. 

They obey Him without understanding His heart behind some of the commandments that He gives. 

Legalism gives birth to religion and religion makes a people so cruel. 

The Pharisees don't know God by relationship they only knew Him by the law and so they were very legalistic. 

There was no love in their approach towards God's commandments, John 8:1-11. 

They didnt know there could be flexibility to the law because you understand the heart of God behind His commandments. 

So if someone is hungry and went to pick the grain on a Sabbath they are ready to stone him, Mark 2:23-28. Jesus understanding the heart of God behind Sabbath said man is the Lord of sabbath. 

That is, God didnt create man for sabbath but rather He created sabbath for man. Meaning as far as God is concerned, He is more concerned about man than sabbath. 

On His heirachy man comes before sabbath. It was out of His consideration for man that He created Sabbath for him to rest.

Likewise, God created marriage for men not men for marriage. In His heirachy the people in a marriage comes before marriage itself.

Someone was sick and got healed and they were annoyed because they didnt understand the heart of God behind Sabbath and the Synagogue, Luke 13:10-17. 

They just wanted to obey the laws without wanting to understand the heart of God behind them. 

This is why Jesus told them one day that they caught him eating in the house of a tax collector with publicans and sinners that God desire mercy and not sacrifice, Matthew 9:10-13

When we make the traditions of men look like the commandments of God we make the Word of God of none effect. 

The Word of God becomes powerless to help and save people. It is devoid of power, Mark 7:1-13

Obeying the laws of God without understanding His heart will make us take things to the extreme and overdo them.

The Pharisees in the day of Jesus exalt bringing gift to the synagogue at the expense of taking care of one's parent. 

Jesus said they have rejected the commandment of God to hold unto their own tradition, Mark 7:9-13.

By so doing they rendered the Word of God powerless in people's lives.

The religious leaders of Jesus day esteemed the gold of the temple greater than the temple. They esteemed the gift on the altar as greater than the altar, Matthew 23:16-22.

Lets be careful so that what we call the commandment of God is not tradition of men or legalism. 

The Word of God is very powerful but the power contained in it is only released through understanding. 

That is, when we understand the heart of God behind His Words and laws. 

So you can be quoting scriptures, yet it carries no power to heal, save and deliver because the Spirit of God that brings us into understanding the heart of God behind His Word is separated from the Word.

I will continue from here in my next post by God's grace. 

Make sure you don't miss the second part of this message. 

Meanwhile, we are going to pray and ask God to deliver us from the traditions of men that we have been holding to as the commandments of God. 

Ask God to reveal to you any belief system you are holding umto that has been rendering His Words ineffective in yoir life.


Salvation is found in none else, for there is no name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved, except the name of Jesus.

You may be reading this postand you have not yet given your life to Jesus. This is another opportunity for you to make that decision for Jesus by saying this prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

Lord Jesus, I love You with all my heart. I believe that You are the Son of God that died and she'd His blood for my sins. Today, I receive Your life and I declare thatI am Yours. Congratulations you are now born again.



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