LUKE 12:15

The secret to a happy life is not having everything. It is focusing your energy on the things you have and seeking ways to be better and improve at them.

Without understanding the law of focus we won't be able to stay consistently happy. The law of focus says whatever you focus on gets bigger and bigger and whatever you dont focus on gets smaller and smaller.

The reason why you are not happy is because you are focusing your attention on what is not working.

If you focus too much on your weakness you will be discouraged but if you focus on your strength you will be encouraged.

No man or spirit has the ability to make you sad or happy without your coperation, not satan, not even God.

What each does is to change your focus. Because both are spirits, you can't see them do it physically.  They do it through human agency or through your mind by what you think.

God can speak directly to your mind and He can use human beings to speak to you, likewise satan.

Anytime you are not happy, always trace the source.  Ask why am i does? Ask, who spoke to me last? Ask, what did i watch or see? Ask, where did i go to? Ask, what kind of thoughts have been going through my mind?

The reason why you should trace the source of your unhappiness is so that you can master what makes you unhappy and how they come into your life.

The life of a believer is a life of joy unspeakable full of glory, 1Peter 1:8. And this joy does mot come by abundance of possession it comes by focusing on Jesus as our life and hope, not on the wrong  things.

If you don't master the things that makes you happy and sad you will be constantly having mood swings because someone or something else other than you is in charge of your life.

What you don't master will master you, so it is very important that anytime we are happy or sad we trace the source of that happiness or sadness, encouragement or discouragement not just flow with whatever comes.

It is called getting to know yourself and understand yourself better. When you do this, you will know who or what makes you happy or sad.

You will know what you hear or see or which company of people makes you happy and encouraged and you can begin to avoid or fortify some of these relationships around your life.

It will be easy for you to know which high thing or imaginations to cast down or uphold, you will run out of your life and mind many things that are not consistent with courage and happiness from your life. You will fulfil Phillipins 4:8 effortlessly.

God never designed it that satisfaction and fulfillment should come from having abundance of things.

Seeking to have everything is the pathway to being miserable.

However, seeing what great things you can do with the little you have is the secret to greatness and fulfilment.

Happiness does not come from having more, it comes from being fulfilled. If you really want to be happy, focus on the things you have. 

What you need to be great is not something outside of you, it is somethibg inside of you.

So, while many people seek to acquire more on the outside they still feel empty because what they are really searching for only come from inside them not outside.

It takes what you have on your inside to be truly great not what you have on the outside.

So the earlier you begin to focus on those things that God has already given you the faster you will get there.

Greatness is who you have become(inside) not what you have(outside).

Are you big in stature? Don't mourn over the fact that you don't have the stature of a model. Rejoice over the fact that you have a stature that commands respect among people.

When you do you will be happy with yourself and you will be grateful to God for how He has created you.

May be you don't have a good husband or wife but you have children that are kind and doing well morally and academically.

Instead of worrying over the husband that is not responsible or kind to you, focus on those children that are doing well.

That way you will always have something to thank God for and be grateful for.

I love the Bible because there is no condition that a man can be going through that is not captured in it.

Proverbs 22:20 says, "Have not  I written to you excellent things in counsels and knowledge. Isaiah 8:20 says, To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

Louise and Eunice could not get their husbands bornagain but they could raise a Timothy for the Lord. That is a very worthy achievement.

Focus on the little you can do not the big big things you can't do. 

You know many times doing the little little things over and over again is what becomes the big big things.

Writing the little little chapters one after the other is what gives way to the big book eventually.

In the economy of God, if you are faithful in little things you will be faithful in the big things, Luke 16:10. God uses little things to qualify us for big things.

When you focus on the little you have, you will begin to see ways by which you can add to it or multiply it to become much. That is when you focus on it positively and not critically.

The widow overlooked the little pot of oil not knowing that was her road map to wealth, 2Kings 4:2.

What you need to take you to your next level is within you not without, so stop looking for it from the outside. 

One day, the LORD told me what you think you lack in one thing, I have already compensated for in many other things. Look for where the compensation of what you lack is and find rest.

The challenge with many of us is that we focus too much on what we don't have at the expense of what we have until what we have pale into non-existence.

No matter how bad things are, some people will always love you and accept you for who you are.

Channel your energy on those people and stop trying to increase the statistics of those that love and accept you. Things like this lead to frustration.

Take advantage of what you have and be happy and enjoy life and living.

Take advantage of those that love you, celebrate you, believe in your vision, are loyal and committed to you.

Don't try to increase the statistics rather give more love and attention and care to those few people and it will come back to you again and gain in multiple folds. 

Sometimes, to want to increase the stastics of those that love us and accept us, is to sign in for frustration and heart attack.

Enjoy what you have! Enjoy who you are! Enjoy life! Enjoy living! Be happy! Be you! Be real!



Salvation is found in none else, for there is no name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved, except the name of Jesus.

You may be watching this video and you have not yet given your life to Jesus. This is another opportunity for you to make that decision for Jesus by saying this prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

Lord Jesus, I love You with all my heart. I believe that You are the Son of God that died and she'd His blood for my sins. Today, I receive Your life and I declare thatI am Yours. Congratulations you are now born again.



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