1Corinthians 15

The power of resurrection has significance both in the life of believers and unbelievers alike. 

It works death  that brings about life in the believers(2Corinthians 4:12) and it works salvation in the life of unbelievers(John 3:16).

Salvation comprises of four major things: Eternal life, prosperity, health and deliverance. 

All these four aspects of salvation are needed by both believers and unbelievers alike.

One of my favorite Bible chapters is 1Corinthians 15. This chapter of the Bible teaches us the application of the death and ressurection of Jesus. 

It tells us about three major things: The resurrection of Christ, the resurrection of the dead and the resurrection body.

Even though the birth of Jesus is more celebrated than His death, His death and ressurection is more significant and pivotal to our christian faith. It is the foundation upon which rest our Christian faith.

If He had not died there wouldn't have been the new you and I in Christ. Without His death there wouldn't have been salvation. 

Without His death it wouldn't have been possible for the Holy Spirit to come, John 16:7 . 

Without His death and resurrection it wouldn't have been possible for God to live inside man. His Spirit will come upon man like in the old testament but not indwell man.

Without His death and resurrection, we wouldn't have hope after this earthly life, 1Corinthians 15:19, John 3:18. 

His death and ressurection paved way for us to have fellowship with God through His Spirit, John 17:3, 1John 5:20. 

His death and ressurection made it possible for us to come near unto God as a son would come to his Father boldly without the need for a human intermediary, Hebrews 4:14-16. 

His death and ressurection made it possible for us to call God Father, Romans 8:15. It gave us deliverance from sin, darkness, death and grave.

We don't have to be afraid of death again in all it's shade and colour, Hebrews 2:14&15. 

His death brought us prosperity, health and eternal life, 1Peter 2:24, 2Corinthians 8:9, John 17:3. 

It was Jesus, the fleshy man that died but Christ, the Spirit man that resurrected, 1Corinthians 15:45-50. 

Without death we can't talk of the power of resurrection, the power that quickens, that make alive, Romans 8:11. 

All the life that a carnal man knows is the life in the flesh but there is a higher life on the other side of death. It takes being dead to the flesh to experience this higher life. 

When it appeared to the disciples as if all hope is gone and  the Jesus they knew in the flesh was dead, another power came to quicken Him and raise Him back to life, this time not as Jesus Christ but as Christ Jesus, 1Corinthians 15:12-34. 

His body was buried in corruption but was raised in incorruption. It was sown in dishonour but raised in glory. It was sown in weakness but raised in power. It was sown a natural body but raised a spiritual body, 1Corinthians 15:42-44. 

Until after resurrection, Jesus was limited by time and space. He could only be in one place at a time but after resurrection, He could live in millions upon millions of people at the same time and be in many many places at the same time. 

On a crusade field, with the woman giving birth in the hospital, with that sister going on a journey, in the church service in the city in that small fellowship in the village, all at once. Alleluyah! That is the power of ressurection at work! 

The reason why Christian's could live the way we do, not being afraid to surrender things even our lives for the course of the Gospel, is because there is power of ressurection. 

We lose our lives to gain it because there is power of resurrection. In the world it is the opposite, they fight to keep their lives from losing it, Matthew 10:39.

They fight and kill to secure the choicest and juiciest posts for themselves. They get all they can and can all they get and sit on top of the can because they do not know that the way to gain life is by losing it. 

Whatever you lose for the sake of Christ and His kingdom comes back to you in hundred fold in this life and also in power because you will not reap it in the same form that you sow it. 

It will come back to you with a resurrection body, that is,  in power, in honour and in glory, 1Corinthians 15:42-44. 

When we understand the power of resurrection we will not be afraid to give up things for Christ's sake because we have come to understand that what we sow is not quickened except it dies, 1Corinthians 15:36. NO DEATH, NO POWER OF RESURRECTION.

Apostle Paul said And why stand we in Jeopardy every hour? If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? 1Corinthians 15:30&32. 

For this reason he is not afraid to die on daily basis because he knows there is the power of resurrection to quicken his mortal body and to quicken whatever he has to lay down, Phillipians 3:7-10.

What is the Holy Spirit asking you to surrender to Him and you have been finding very difficult? 

You are losing it to gain it back; not with the same body but in a body that God is going to give it as it pleases Him, 1Corinthians 15:36-38. 

You can be sure that the body God  will give it will be better than whatever body you or any man can give it. 

There is what men give and there is what God gives, which will it be? Receive grace to lay it down so the power of ressurection can come upon it. NO DEATH NO LIFE. 

I pray that the same power that raised Jesus from dead will quicken every thing that needs quickening in our lives this season and beyond in Jesus name.


Salvation is found in none else, for there is no name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved, except the name of Jesus. 

You may be reading this post and you have not yet given your life to Jesus. This is another opportunity for you to make that decision for Jesus by saying this prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart: 

Lord Jesus, I love You with all my heart. I believe that You are the Son of God that died and she'd His blood for my sins. Today, I receive Your life and I declare that I am Yours. 

Congratulations you are now born again.



Ogunleke Abiola said…
Happy Easter Celebration to everyone.

More grace ma
Thank you Jesus, for the blessings of your resurrection!
Happy Easter ma

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