This morning by the help of the Holy Spirit I will be sharing with is on the power of meditation. 

What does it mean to meditate?

To meditate means to focus one's mind over a period of time in silence or to think deeply about something.

Many believers pray, many fast, many still read their bible but only very few meditate.

This is because of all kinds of evil things that have been associated with meditation. Things like astral travel, christian science and the likes.

You only bring out the power in a scripture through meditation. You squeeze out the juice contained in a scripture through meditation.

Jeremiah said I found your word and I did eat it and it was a joy and a rejoicing unto my soul, Jeremiah 15:16.

You will want to ask how one eat scriptures? It is through meditation.

When a child eats food and assimilate the nutrients into his body after digestion it shows on his body but a child that is eating without assimilating the nutrients into his body looks malnourished and will not grow.

The same way you can digest scripture and assimilate the nutrients into your soul.

When you meditate you are taking scriptures from outside the bible inside your soul, like assimilating nutrients into your body.

Its through meditation not reading that you make room for the Holy Spirit to expound scriptures to you and  transform your mind.

Even though you need to have a Scripture bank inside you through reading, you must take time to regurgitate and think on scriptures bit by bit.

Lets me give us an illustration of what happens when we meditate.

The bible says children are a blessing from the Lord, Psalm 127:3. If you think on that scripture you will reason that since your children come from the Lord and not satan they are a blessing not a sorrow.

Lets say for example you have a child that is not giving you joy, by thinking on that scripture alone, immediately you will realize that is an abberation as the behaviour of that child is not consistent with scriptures.

The next thing the Holy Spirit leads you to another scripture, one that says the blessings of the Lord maketh rich and added no sorrow, Proverbs 10:22.

With that revelation something rises in you against what you have believed from culture, that it is normal for children to misbehave.

By this time something is rising inside you against that thing you have been putting up with before such that you begin to detest it.

If you continue in that meditation the Holy Spirit will lead you to another scripture that says, You shall not labour in vain nor bring forth for trouble for you are the seed of the blessed of the LORD and your offspring with you, Isaiah 65:23.

By this time you are so angry with your situation and you are ready to do something about it.

Notice that, it is scriptures creating this holy anger in you not your flesh or something external.

Then come the last scripture,

Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered?

But thus saith the Lord, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.

And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob, Isaiah 49:24-26.

This time you will rise up and begin to speak against that situation. Faith has risen in you and you begin to speak boldly against that situation, 2Corinthians 4:13.

You started by meditating on one scripture Psalm 127:3. But now you are swimming at the center of scriptires that has conjured a picture of deliverance for you and you are ready to take what is rightfully yours.

The last straw the devil pulls on people at the stage is to tell them that time is not the right time to pray.

He can say during your quiet time you will pray or later at night.

You are not at the peak of your faith everytime so you must learn to strike when the iron is hot.

It had to be right there and then not later. The bible says concerning Jesus, that He perceived that the power of God to heal was present, Luke 5:17.

So what did Jesus do? He stopped preaching and started a healing service immediately!

A believer must be very sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Not all moments are the same! Luke 19:40-44. I pray for you, you will not miss your time of visitation in Jesus name.

There are moments that are kairos moments in your life. You must recognize them and do the needful.

If you miss such moment they may not come again until another full cycle of season is completed in the realm of the spirit, so you must be very sensitive.

There are times when the Holy Spirit can just be talking about old age and showing you scriptures about old age and you are wondering but I am just 25 i still have my full life before me.

You may even think the Holy Spirit wants you to teach about old age if you are a preacher. But what the Holy Spirit wants you to do is to seal your old age right there are then.

The grace to create your old age the way you want it to look is present at that moment.

The Holy Spirit being a witness both on earth and in heaven knows what graces are flowing from the throne of God and coming upon the earth.

So, being our helper, He quickly stop your normal trend of teaching and starts talking about something you considered off tangent to your line of discussion.

Things like this have happened to some of us and we missed such kairos moments because we didn't have spirirual intelligence, but not anymore in Jesus name!

This message is coming to equip you with the gift of discerment and understanding.

Some discerned  but postponed it until later. By the time they were ready to deal with it the anointing has lifted and they missed it.

There are some things that once you seized that opportunity, you have sealed them forever!

What others spend years to seal you sealed in a moment because you discerned the moment that an anointing was present to create your oldage the way you want regardless of your environment or ancestry.

I pray for you you will no longer miss your kairos moments again. The grace to discern rest upon you now in Jesus name. Your understanding is quickened in Jesus name. From today henceforth your meditation shall be fruitful!

Once you master the art of meditation, you can do it anywhere but before then you need a quiet environment to start with.

Create time for meditation(to think on the scriptures you read) the same way you create time to pray and read the bible and fast.

Meditation is powerful, it will give you cheap victory, boost your faith, bring you comfort and strength and much more.

Meditate on what the Word of God says about the problem and about you; not on the problem or the power of the enemy.

The bible says, Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God, Romans 13:1

What that means is that all the power that is being used against you is already in subjection to God who happens to be your Father.

However,not knowing this is what the devil is using against you, your ignorance! Now arise and shine for your light has come!

It is well with you in Jesus name. The grace to do this you have heard comes upon you right now in Jesus name.



Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!





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