Numbers 14:24, Proverbs 4:25-27

When a man is not following God wholeheartedly, he believes there is something that God is not able to give him and he has to restrain a portion of his heart and devotes it to getting those things. 

But when a man follows God wholeheartedly, all of his heart is given over to God and he believes there is nothing in this life that he needs that he can't get in God. 

He believes he will get a  job in God, a child in God, a husband/wife  in God, become great in God, become a successful business man and career woman in God, he will be a good wife and raise godly children in God. 

He doesn't believe he has to take a portion of his heart away from God to get those things. 

He gets those things in Him, his whole heart is totally given to God, no portion of it is given to seeking after other things. That is what it means to follow God wholeheartedly. 

So if he hits a wall in his career, he doesn't reduce the time he spent with God to find a solution to it. He brings the matter before God and gets the solution in God never outside of Him. 

That was how Daniel and Joseph became successful politician and economist. They remained in God and got their solution in God. 

That was how Jacob became a successful cattle rearer. That was how Isaac became a successful farmer. That was how Abraham and his servant became the best soldiers in the world. 

They didn't say this is war, God cannot handle war and reduce the time spent with Him so as to find time to read about the art of war from wordly war veterans. 

Abraham stayed with God and got a supernatural war strategy. 

They would have been defeated if they had reduced their time with God and spent it studying wordly war strategies. 

Everything you need you will find in God, you don't have to reserve a portion of your heart for wordly affairs, give it all to God. 

Your answers to secular and life problems are in Him, not in the news,not in government, not in research and study, Job 28:12-23. It is the Holy Spirit that teaches us all things, 1John 2:20&27.

In Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge(Colossians 2:3) and all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do, Hebrews 4:13. 

Colossians 1:16 says For by him were all things created, that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible (natural things) and invisible(spiritual things), whether they be thrones (both visible and invisible thrones), or dominion(earthly or heavenly), or principalities or powers(both on earth and in heaven). 

All things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things and by Him all things consist, Colossians 1:17. 

That scripture should make your confidence in Jesus shoot to the roof. You have nothing to fear, Jesus is in charge of all things. 

It is out of his fullness that we have all received(John 1:16) and all fullness dwell in him(Colossians 1:19). It is His fullness that filleth all in all(Ephesians 1:23). 

If you catch the revelation of those scriptures nothing will make you afraid again or make you want to cut your time with God short because you feel you won't have physical or material things if you don't cut your time with God to pursue them. 

Ephesians 1:22 says, And hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be head over all things to the church which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all. 

What will make you reign as king on earth and in this life, that is walk, in dominion; are not what you possess in the natural like skill, certificate, hardwork e.t.c. 

What will make you distinguished and stand out are not what you receive physically by hardwork or skill.

Physical things will equalize you with ordinary men, but spiritual things will give you an edge above ordinary men.

That was how Joseph reigned and Daniel, and Jacob and Isaac and Abraham and the heathen in their days could not look down on them. 

They had something with God and even the heathen could not deny that they are in a class of their own, they are not their mates at all. 

Psalm 147:10&11 says God delight not in the strength of a horse and the legs of a man(physical strength and skills). The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in his mercy. 

Those are the kind of men that God gives His secrets to(Psalm 25:14), secret that will make them reign on earth and in life, Romans 5:17, Revelations 5:10. 

Don't make yourself less spiritual, don't listen to the devil, he wants to bring you down to the level of the natural where he can easily defeat you. 

Follow the Lord wholeheartedly. Let your watchword be in him I live, in him I move, in him I have my being, Act 17:28. 

For physical excercise profiteth little, but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is and that which is to come, 1Timothy 4:8. 

Don't buy that lie that you need to be less godly or spiritual to be successful in natural life(the adamic mandate). 

None of us have been taking the full advantage and benefits of the Holy Spirit that the Father gave to us. He is our helper, let Him help you! Stop trying to help yourself. 

The Bible gave us examples of people that followed the Lord in their life time but not wholeheartedly, 2 Chronicles 25:2, 11:17, 12:14.

That portion of their heart that they reserved to pursue something else was what eventually led them away from God, 1Kings 11:1-4. 

It always look seemingly harmless in the beginning but if you give the devil a foothold he will take over your whole life before you know it, 2 Chronicles 25:14, 1Kings 11:1-4 .Ephesisns 4:27 says neither give place to the devil. 

Resist him steadfast in faith and one way to be steadfast in faith is to wholeheartedly follow the Lord, James 1:6-8, 4:8. 

Don't keep any area of your life out of God's reach by thinking you can run it without His wisdom.

PRAYER: Father, search my heart and show me areas in my life where I have not been following you wholeheartedly. I receive the grace to surrender all of my heart to you in Jesus name, Amen.

You may be reading this post and you have not yet given your life to Jesus. This is another opportunity for you to make that decision for Jesus by saying this prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart: 

Lord Jesus, I love You with all my heart. I believe that You are the Son of God that died and she'd His blood for my sins. Today, I receive Your life and I declare that I am Yours. 

Congratulations you are now born again!



Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!





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