(PART 2)

Phillipians 2: 9

Many times we are asking for miracles, but God says sit down and let me teach you what will make you never to need another miracle in your life. 

A man that is well taught is a defenced city. Ecclesiastes 7:12 says, "For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence but the excellency of knowledge is that wisdom giveth life to them that have it" 

Receiving a miracle is not as hard as maintaining a miracle. 

Jesus told the crippled man by the pool of Bethseda after He had healed him, "Behold thou art made whole, sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon thee", John 5:14. 

What Jesus was implying was that the miracle he received is not permanent but it would be if he didn't go back to his old way of life of sin. That is teaching!

There is what you must know to maintain a miracle. So knowledge is more important than miracle. If you have knowledge and apply it rightly you won't always be in need of miracle. 

One of the reasons why Jesus did miracles is to get people to listen to what He wants to teach them. Miracles attracts people so He attracts them first and then teaches them. 

But many run away after receiving the miracle and never wait for the teaching. Only for them to lose it and then return for another one, so they are always in need of a miracle. 

Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of our times, Isaiah 33:6. A man that is on his way to the promised land and is going through process does not need a miracle, he needs patience and endurance so that God will complete His works in Him. 

Having the knowledge of God's will for your life and understanding what He is doing with you will establish you and make you stand firm in faith, Colossians 1:9-11, Hebrews 12:2. 

What you know can make a wilderness enjoyable, it can make a terrible situation look not so bad after all, 1Corinthians 15:58. Your ability to endure is tied to what you know, Isaiah 33:6..

It may take five or ten, fifteen or more years to learn but at the end of the process, you will be a miracle worker yourself and not a miracle seeker. 

If God has to chose between giving you wisdom or wealth, He will chose wisdom. Don't you know wisdom will give you wealth plus you will know how to manage and multiply it? 

But, we say, "God, just give me wealth I am in a hurry, I want to prove a point to people that I am not failing or a failure". 

Only for us to lose it in riotous living within a short period of time because we didn't wait to receive wisdom  before receiving wealth. 

How I wish we will just leave our lives in the hands of the Holy Spirit and let Him make us! He will make a sign and a wonder out of us to His glory. 

Ecclessiastes 2:26 says, "For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom and knowledge and joy but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and heap up, that he may give it to him that is good before God." 

Proverbs 2:6&7 says For the Lord giveth wisdom out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. He layeth sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly. This is powerful! Very powerful!!! 

Those scriptures should make us sit down, think and ask, why the mad rush and hurry for wealth? Why not allow God give me wisdom and a name first. 

You know why we are in a hurry? It takes time to build a name; not only a name, but anything that will last takes time to build and we are not willing to wait. 

You must give God time, you don't build a name overnight. But once God gives you a name, your children and children's children will benefit out of it. 

There is what satan gives, there is what men give. But there is something God gives and we must wait for it because nothing compares to it.

Don't try to make a name for yourself like they do in the world(Genesis 11:4), rather let God give you a name like He gave Jesus, Phillipians 2:9, like He gave the nation of Israel. 

It is whatever God does that endures forever, Ecclesiastes 3:14. Whatever flesh does is as grass and the goodliness there of is as the flower of the field that withers and fades away(paraphrase), Isaiah 40:6-8. 

Now, let us pray: 

You will ask not only for the faith of Abraham but also his patience and endurance, Hebrews 6:14. 

Tell God that you chose a good name rather than great riches and loving favour rather than silver and gold, Proverbs 22:1. 

Ask God for the grace to wait for Him to complete His works in you, Job 14:14, 23:10. 

Thank Him, for He has done it. I join my faith with yours and we receive answers to our prayers in Jesus name, Amen.

Salvation is found in none else, for there is no name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved, except the name of Jesus. 

You may be reading this post and you have not yet given your life to Jesus. This is another opportunity for you to make that decision for Jesus by saying this prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart: 

Lord Jesus, I love You with all my heart. I believe that You are the Son of God that died and she'd His blood for my sins. Today, I receive Your life and I declare that I am Yours. 

Congratulations you are now born again!



Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!





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