MARK 8:36-37

Some of us have discovered ourselves very much in the natural life. We have a lot of physical achievements to our names but we are yet to discover ourselves in destiny. 

All those physical achievements have their place but they become meaningless if they are not attached to your God given purpose, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Isaiah 29:1-5.

Man may honour, applaud and even reward you for having them, but once your life finishes here on earth that is the end of them all, the certificates the houses, the intellect, the business acumen and the rest. Psalm 103:15&16, Isaiah 40:6-8.

They will only find relevance in the here after to the degree you used them to serve a God given purpose, Matthew 6:19-21.

Are you a Professor? To what end? Have you found an eternal purpose to your being a professor?

Do you have a lot of earthly possessions? To what end? Have you found a purpose that is eternal that can be attached to that wealth or is it only for your earthly comfort? Luke 12:16-21.

If all your physical achievements will count in the life after, there must be a God ordained purpose attached to them. 

To what extent has your being a lecturer, a business man, a doctor, a politician, an economist, a lawyer, an accountant, a civil servant serve the purposes of God? 

To what extent has those platforms helped someone know God better and love Him more?

To what extent have you used those platforms to make living more conducive for someone, thus making this world a better place to live in? 

You want your physical achievements to find eternal relevance? It must be attached to your God ordained purpose. That way you will secure the committment of heaven on it. 

When the alms of Cornelius rose before God, what God did to help him was to get him bornagain, Acts 10:1-5

Without Cornelius being bornagain he will go to hell with all his rewards for alms giving burning in hell with him. 

It is not enough to be a philanthropist doing good to mankind and helping humanity with your generousity; you must be a bornagain Philanthropist. That is how your philantrophy will not be a waste. 

Some have wealth and are using it to serve God ordained courses but they have not given their lives to Jesus. 

It will still be a waste because the bible says whosoever that his name is not found in the book of life is cast into the lake of fire, Revelation 20:11-15. All his works will burn with him in hell. 

For some others they are bornagain and wealthy but they are not using their wealth to serve God and His purposes. The Bible calls such "The Rich Fool", Luke 12:13-21

Once they die that is the end, that wealth will have no eternal value. They will have no rewards. 

Also worthy of note is the fact that, even though you have within your capacity what it takes to sponsor or spearhead a good course, that does not mean God wants you to do it. 

There are good plans, but there are God plans. Abraham had a good plan on how to have a son but it was not a God plan. 

Elimelech's idea to escape to Moab because of the severity of the famine in Bethlehem was a good plan but it wasn't a God plan.

God's plan is the best plan not a good plan. 

I remember sometime ago, someone asked me "Why don't you get a PhD? Don't you think more people will want to listen to what you have to say if there is a PhD title attached to your name? 

That sounds like a good reasoning and a good plan but it is a neither a godly reason nor a God  plan for me to want to get one. 

When I sought God's face concerning it, it was a capital NO. For you, it may be God's plan for you to get one.

Never be intimidated by the achievements of those who has only discovered themselves in the natural life but not in destiny. 

There are natural plans, natural purposes, natural mates, but there are also destiny purposes, destiny plans and destiny mates. 

There is more to life than just sleeping and waking up, eating and getting married and having children. 

Make your life count through purposeful living. Be very intentional about life and living.

Don't be another Methuselah whom all that was written for him was that He lived to be 969 years, yet all he did was begat sons and daughters,Genesis 5:25-27

Whereas, when history got to the lives of people like Seth, it was written that they not only begat children but it was in his days that men began to call upon the name of God again, Genesis 4:26. 

In the days of Enoch, it was written for him that he walked with God and he was not for the LORD took him, Geesis 5:24. 

Concerning Noah, he got married and begat children like the rest, but he also built the ark for God to save creation from the flood of judgement that came upon the earth, Genesis 6:13&14 

Cain was the first man to kill a fellow human being like him, Genesis 4:8. He was also the first man to build a city, Genesis 4:17. 

Lamech was the first to marry two wives, Genesis 4:19. Jabal was the father of such that dwell in tents and have cattle, Genesis 4:20.

TubalCain was the first instructor of every artificer in brass and Jubal was the father of such that handle the harp and organ, Genesis 4:21&22.

Some were remebered for the good they brought to humanity and some for the evil they were used by the devil to bring to humanity and the world at large. 

What will you be remembered for?

What will be written for you at your death? What will history record concerning you? 

Ponder on these things.

For some of us that already know some things about who we are in destiny, right where you are, pray and ask the Lord to help you discover more of yourself in destiny. 

For those of us that only know ourselves after the flesh and only in our natural achievements, cry out to God, Lord reveal to me who I am in your eternal plans. Father, show me who I am in destiny.



Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!





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