In order to fulfill your destiny you must die to many things, die to self, die to your ambitions and desires, die to your ways and ideas, die to your intellect.

Until you die you won't see the power of resurrection at work. Many have not learnt the ways of God, neither seen His power at work in their lives because they are alive in themselves.

They draw the plans, pursue it and execute it by themselves. 

Your destiny has already been written out(Preplanned), you are only to manifest it and there is a way this works.

The Bible says for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, WHICH GOD HAD ORDAINED THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM, Ephesians 2:10. 

Hebrews 4:3b says, "......although the works were finished from the foundation of the world"

This scripture is telling us we are called to only live out what has already been finished. 

When you are walking in the will of God, it will look like you are only playing out a script that has already been written before. 

It is like things just join themselves together and play out in a particular way with very little effort on your part, only your obedience is what is needed.

If it is God, both you that is doing out the execution of the instruction and the people working with you will be left in shock and wonder. 

That way you cant just but give the glory to Him who is the doer. Even you will know it has nothing to do with you. 

You only acted on instructions and the thing so worked out as if it has been in existence before, you only just walked into it. 

I really don't know how to explain this. It is better experienced. 

With every step of obedience you take, you see your destiny unfolding. 

The plans are just revealed as you obey and you find yourself walking in them. There is no struggle. 

How you will find yourself in the works that God has ordained is through obedience. 

God gives you instructions as you obey and take those steps, you find yourself in the midst of something even you cant expalin in detail how it came to be, Isaiah 49:21. 

Jesus gave His disciples instructions on what to do to get a place for them to eat the passover and just by following those instructions they found themselves in an actual place eating the passover in reality, Mark 14:12-16. 

That tells me that scenario of Jesus eating the passover with His disciples has already been in existence before he was ever born. 

His disciples only needed to take some steps, carry out some instructions and they all found themselves in the experience of it, Mark 14:16.

That exactly is what fulfilling purpose amd walking in the will of God looks like.

The same thing happened when Jesus needed to enter Jerusalem triumphantly. Everything needed was already in existence, but obeying instructions and taking steps took them to the actual experience of it, Matthew 21:1-3, 6-7.

Everything you need to fulfil your destiny is already in existence,  but it is your obedience that will lead you into them. 

The members, the helpers, the ministers, the resources they are already in existence. 

But it is as you obey and take the steps of faith that you will see them coming to be, Psalm 87:5-7. 

It is wonderful to be in His will, you experience God firsthand when you are fulfilling His purpose and walking in His will. 

Even you will know there is an unseen hand working things behind the scene and causing all the things you are seeing to happen, that they are not a product of your effort or brian. 

God will ask you to take series of steps and give you instructions that you don't have any idea where it will lead you to. Some of those instructions, you will obey them for long before you see in reality what they are meant for and where they are leading you to.

Some you will only obey for a short period of time before you begin to see the reasons behind them, they are like a shortcut to something. 

But as you obey them, you will see things happen and your only response will be, "So this is what God is doing" or "So this is where God is bringing me when He asked me to take these steps". 

When you are walking in the will of God, everything will only make sense at the end, never in the beginning. If it makes sense at the beginning it is your will you are executing, not His will. 

This is why the bible says, Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord..., Hosea 6:3a. 

Somewhere else, the Bible says, For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end, Hebrews 3:6&14.

If it is His will, you will need faith every step of the way. There is nothing He will ask you to do that you will not need faith to do because it wont just make sense, Galatians 3:11, Romans 1:17, Hebrews 10:38, Habakkuk 2:4.

It will look like He is trying to kill you  rather than making you come alive; because most of the steps He will ask you to take are steps that will put your confidence in the flesh to death, Phillipians 3:3. 

Imagine God asking you to give all your life savings away, that is like.a death sentence! Or God asking you not to work with your certificate or asking you to quit your job. They are death sentences, 2Corinthians 1:9&10.

But it is so that the power of resurrection can come to work. Without that death, there can never be resurrection in power and glory, 1Corinthians 15:35&36.

So the pathway to fulfilling destiny is the pathway of death and that pathway that leads to glory is the pathway of death, John 12:24-26, Matthew 20:21&22.

So when His every instructions and step leads you to death to the flesh, rejoice because that is how you will arrive and resurrect in glory. 

But when the instructions you are carrying out makes you to be more alive in the flesh and not more dependent on God, check again, it may be you are the one leading yourself. 

When it is Gid, it is such that when you arrive at the place He has prepared for you; you can't just but stand in awe of Him. 

How you got there will just be beyond you in every way, 1Corinthians 2:9. 

With this understanding coming to you now, you can now know whether what you have been executing all this while is your plan or God's plan. 

If it is God's plan and purposes, it will always follow this pattern: It will require your obedience, it will require you living by faith, it will require you taking steps that you don't know where exactly it is leading you to.

But by taking those steps of obedience you will find yourself manifesting what has already been in existence before and you will be as surprised as those watching you or working with you. 

If it is God's plan, it will always bear the signature of death to self because that death is what will compel the power of resurrection to come. 

What you will sow will be a natural body but when that power of resurrection comes upon it it will be raised a spiritual body, 1Corinthians 15:44. 

For example you can sow your time or certificate and get the healing anointing as an harvest, 1Corinthians 15:37&38

When that power of resurrection comes upon what you sow in the natural, it cannot but bear that mark of the divine supernatural, 1Corinthians15:42-44. 

Everyone, including you, will know it is God doing something here. 

What this means is that the entire process from beginning to the end cannot be expalined physically, naturally or intellectually. 

If all these signs are not there, it is not God doing something, it is man executing his plans and purposes. 

And this is very possible as revealed from the scriptures, that men through the power of their imagination birthed great things upon the earth; only that it did not carry the signature of the divine supernatural on it, Genesis 11:3-6. 

Everything done in it can be expalined from beginning to the end just by common sense and human strength and intellect.

Destiny fulfilment is only for the overcomers because there are so many things that you will encounter on the way of fulfilling your destiny that you have to overcome. 

At the end, you will be called an overcomer, a conqueror because,you overcame both small small things and big big things.

With this, we have come to the end of the DESTINY SERIES. We are trusting God to make this series into a book as soon as He gives us the go ahead. 

However, if this series has blessed you, do well to share our site with your friends and loved ones. FOLWAMS.BLOGSPOT.COM for this series and other edifying articles. Thank you

PRAYER:Ask God to give you the grace to pay the price required to fulfil your destiny in Jesus name, Amen.



Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!





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Thank you ma!

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