PSALMS 50:5, EZEKIEL 20:37

As compassionate and benevolent as God is, it is not every battle that He gets involved in.

There are battles that God don't get involved in unless there is a legal ground for him to do so. 

One of the battles that God always get involved in is when the person involved has a covenant with him by sacrifice, Psalm 50:5, Psalm 89:34, Exodus 2:24

That is when He by reason of that superior covenant has a legal ground to step in and say I will contend with those that contend with you and your children I will save. 

That scripture cannot be quoted just because it is written in the bible, it is one of the heritage of the servants of the Lord scriptures. 

It takes seeing that blood of the covenant for him to be involved, for that thing to pass over and for leave you alone. 

Your sacrifice and covenant with God gives him that legal ground to step in and fight. 

Many times God wanted to come but there are no legal grounds for him to do so, so peoples pain remain until a man is found who can give God that legal ground to visit that family or generation, Isaiah 42:22, 59:16, Exodus 12:13

Why is it that when you pray on your own nothing happens but when certain men or women of God prays the problem just dissappear as if they were the ones that put it there in the first place? 

The answer is those men and women are living sacrifice, whose voices have weight in the realm of the spirit.

This message is not to bring condemnation but to birth in us a desire to pay the price to be a deliverer like Jesus.

It is God that set these laws and He exalts His laws above His name. You are calling His name but He is saying My Word, I exalt it more than my name. 

I want to come and help you but the laws that I myself set in place is what is restricting me. We must understand this about Him that He exalts his Word more than His name, Psalm 138:2

God will listen ten times to His Word above His name. He bound Himself by His Word. So, when you call Him once, bring His Words ten times. 

Many are calling his names many many times but they are not putting Him in remembrance of His words, forgetting that he exalts His words above His name, Isaiah 43:26. GET THE WORD!

If you say God or Jesus 7times and another person says Lord, You said in 6things You will deliver me and in seven You will save me, Lord save me from the scorching tongues of men, one is more potent than the other, His word! He exalts it above His name and He bound Himself with it.

Your reasonable act of service is to present your body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, Romans 12:1

Whether as a business man or politician or career person or student, be a living sacrifice. 

Becoming a living sacrifice is not only for those in ministry. It is a call to live for God and not for self. Here in lies the power!

Apostle Paul in 2Corinthians 5:15  says And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him who died for them and rose again. 

You want God to always show up for you and fight all your battles, this is the secret: LIVE FOR HIM. 

The good thing about sacrifice is that it can be transfered spiritually into another person's  account. 

So the sacrifice of one man can speak for his family members, generation, church members.  

So you can partake of somethong you didn't labour for because of the saceifice of another speaking for you, John 4:38.

This is how many of us have escaped the devastating consequences of these generarional curses. 

The labour of our Pastors, mothers, mentors, parents e.t.c have been speaking for us in the realm of the spirit. Whenever the devil shows up it is their covenant with God that speaks for us. 

We thought we are free but for only as long as we stay connected to their grace. But, we can be free indeed when we begin to tow the path of maturity where we can be a cover for other people as well. 

Israel cried in Egypt under the yoke of the task master and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, Exodus 2:24. Same when Ishmael cried in the desert. 

Jesus transfered His sacrifice into our account by the doctrine of interpenetration and.gave us His name  to use to conquer all evil, Phillipians 2:9-11

Jacob said let my name be named upon the lads, Genesis 48:16. While levi was not yet born the bible says he paid tithe in the loins of Abraham, Hebrews 7:10.

God told David because of my covenant with you, I will make sure you always have a seed on the throne no matter what, Psalm 132:11.

So there were things the children of David enjoyed not because of them but because of the covenant God had with their father. 

They will just see that things always work well for them whether they are well behaved or not. 

It was not because of them but the covenant of their father, his labour, his sacrifice.  

The bible says in Galatians 4:1&2 that the heir as long as he is a child differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all. But is under tutors and governird until the time appointed of the father. 

This message coming to you signifies that the appointed time for you to grow into maturity is now.  What do you have to do? Become a living sacrifice!

And you must also know that covenant are not enacted without blood and blood comes from sacrifice and sacrifices are offered upon altars. 

When you have an altar there must be sacrifices rising to God from that altar.  Don't offer sacrifices without first erecting an altar. 

There are lot of sacrifices people have offered  without any altar. Altars as seen from the life of Abraham are built on two things, relationship and the speakings of God. 

These two things constitute an altar where two people meet and it is on these basis that sacrifices are then offered.  

Moses told Israel don't offer your sacrifice in an open field bring it to the door of the altar and slaughter it there, Leviticus 17:8&9. 

Not only that, Paul said the sacrifices that the Gentiles offer are offered to demons and not to God, 1Corinthians 10:20

Don't let the devil take advantage of your sacrifice because there is no altar and no label or tag that it is for God.

Abraham brought sacrifices to the altar based on his relationship with God and His speakings, Genesis 12:7&8, Genesis 13:18. 

An Altar is not an old testament thing. Instead of sacrificing bulls and goats on that altar as they do in the old testament? you are now the sacrifice upon that altar. Your life and all offered to God. I tell you this is potent, raw, undiluted power.

No generational curse or covenant can stand before such a one, it is God that will answer!

When you got bornagain you received the life of Christ, but now as this mesaage is coming to you it is time for you to surrender your life to Him totally by handing over your life to Him.  

This message is a hand over ceremony. 

Pray this prayer and say Father I have been enlightened by your Word. 

Up to this moment I have enjoyed the covering that came from other people's sacrifices.

Now Father, I want to be a saviour and a deliverer that you have called me to be to my family and generation too, Obadiah 1:21, Zechariah 1:21.

I surrender the reins of my life to You Lord, take over my life now and grant me the grace to be a living sacrifice which is my reasonable act of service. In Jesus name I have prayed, amen.



Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!





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