TEACH US TO NUMBER OUR DAYS (PART 2) Psalm 90:12 How much attention do we pay to the Word of God? When we read it do we really believe it? Whether we believe it or not shows in how we respond to it? It is life to those that find them and health to their flesh, Proverbs 4:22. Everytime you come to the Word of God, know this, you have come to receive an equipping a training that can handle life with all the challenges it brings, Proverbs 4:20-21. Imagine if you have been feeding on a consistent and a daily dose of the Word of God for the past 20years, imagine how strong your spirit man will be in the days of evil. No wonder the bible says a man's spirit sustains him in his infirmities but a broken spirit who can bear? Proverbs 18:14. If you sow to your flesh you will reap corruption in the days of adversity but if you sow to your spirit you will reap eternal life and peace, Galatians 6:7-8 This is what makes the difference in peoples outcome in life. The day will reveal it wha...