POWER OF SMALL THINGS (PART 2) Isaiah 28:10, Zechariah 4:10 The devil has mastered how to use little and small small things to defeat christians but many christians have not mastered the art of using little little and small small things to up their game both spiritually and physically. A scripture just came to your heart pause and check it out, take some time and meditate on it. That 5mins of allowing that scripture run through your mind can be the difference between life and death. That line of song that just popped up in your mind can be your deliverance in the next 2hrs, sing it in that instant. This is how to be spiritual. A spiritual man judges all things. That 5mins talk with the stranger on the street may be the real salvation message that he needs rather than going back home to prepare to a 2hrs full solid message. The women in the ministry of Jesus came too late to perfume his body while it was in the grave. When they came he was already rise...