2Corinthians 4:18

One major winning strategy is to keep your focus on what God is doing and not on what God is yet to do. 

The devil is very adept at making people focus their attention either on what he is doing in their lives or on what God is not doing for them 

This is the reason for sadness and depression. The reason why you are not happy is because you are focusing on the wrong thing. 

God has done so much for you but the devil blind(veil) your eyes to them, 2Corinthians 4:4. 

A victorious life is not one devoid of challenges but one that has mastered how not to focus on challenges but on purpose, John 16:33. 

A believer is an overcomer, a mountain walker and a mountain mover. 

Sometime ago, the Lord brought me across someone that had a major problem in His life and in the course of time, the problem got solved miraculously. It was a huge breakthrough. 

No sooner had the problem got solved that the person started getting worried and anxious over other petty petty issues in his life that were too small compared to what Jesus did for him. 

He had forgotten that the Jesus that solved the major problem will solve those minor ones too. Many of us are like that. It is in the human nature to forget the goodness done for it but remember the evil done unto it or what is not yet working in his life.

How many of us focus on problems when we suppose to focus on God and His ability? What you focus on gets bigger while what you don't focus on get smaller. 

One day Jesus and his disciples were coming from a place and he told them to beware of the yeast of the Pharisees,attgew 16:6. They reasoned among themselves and said it is because we didn't have bread. 

Jesus asked why they reasoned that way and it was because they didn't consider the two miracles where He miraculously supplied bread and fish, Matthew 16:9-11. 

They had forgotten what He did, they didn't take it to heart, they had let it slip. 

Jesus expected that with those miracles they should never worry again about what to eat but even though the miracles were done in their presence they did not take it to heart(consider)

In the Psalms many times, the writer will say Selah, Psalm 3, 24, 46, 55:19, 57:3. What it means is to pause and consider. We must meditate on the goodness of God. 

We must not take the things that God does in our lives lightly. We must hold fast to it and not let it slip, Hebrews 2:1, 3:6&14, 4:14, 10:23, Revelations 19:10. 

If you are going to school or work and someone paid your transport fare, pause and consider, it is the goodness of God. It could have been otherwise. 

When you magnify the Lord's doing by making it marvelous in your sight, you will see Him do more for you. Never forget His goodness to you, pause and consider it. 

The more you acknowledge the goodness of God in your life and you ascribe glory unto Him, the more He is empowered in your life to do more. 

I remember sometime ago I had this swelling all over my body, when I scratched my body it would just swell up and it was giving me serious concern because I didn't know what was responsible for it. 

But one day, the Holy Spirit just woke me up in the middle of the night and He started reminding me of all the different things that had happened to me since I was a child and how He delivered me out of every single one of them. 

By the time the Lord finished walking me though those victories I just knew within me I have been healed. 

I went back to sleep and that was the end of the itching and the swelling forever. I was completely healed. Alleluyah!

What brought me out of that problem? A change of focus. The Holy Spirit changed my focus from seeing the challenge to seeing the victory He has wrought for me in Christ Jesus. Alleluyah!

Don't let that challenge get the better part of you. When Asaph got into complaining about his challenges, his spirit became overwhelmed, Psalm 77:2-4. 

But when he called to remembrance the ancient years, the wonders of God of old, he forgot about those challenges and started seeing the so many good things that God had done. 

Immediately he got into gratitude and thanksgiving mode, his faith was boosted and God was empowered in His life to work. 

God is all powerful but you have to empower Him to work in your life. Israel limited God in the wilderness by doubting His ability, Psalm 78:41.

Thanksgiving is a faith booster, after we have been established in faith we abound there in with thanksgiving, Colossians 2:7. 

It is a law of the spirit that what you focus on(what you consider) gets bigger. 

You empower both God and satan in your life the same way; by focusing on what each is doing in your life. 

The reason why many have not entered into their purpose is not because they are not aware of it but because they are focusing on why it will not work. 

They have forgotten that this honour does no man take unto himself except he is called of God, Hebrews 5:4

Your purpose in God is not what you work to earn it is what He gave to you by mercy, 2Corinthians 4:1. 

Some are thinking I will get this problem solved first so that I can  qualify for that calling and by so doing they have wasted so much time. 

One of the ways by which God brings us out of our problems is through our purpose (assignments).  

There are some, that a little structural or moral adjustment here and there will bring an end to their challenge but for some what will solve that problem is to put on the full regalia of your calling because what is combatting them, only by fulfilling their assignment will they have answer to it.

I pray for you that God will take your focus away from your problem into your purpose in Jesus name. Pray and ask God to give you a change of focus till all you see is Him and not your challenges.


Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!





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