2 Corinthians 3:6

There are things you and I suppose to receive from the Lord for others but we can't if we don't seek His face continually. 

Asaph and Jeduthun, David and the sons of Korah stayed before the ark of the Lord and ministered before the ark continually and they received songs from Him that you and I are still singing to the Lord till today, 1Chronicles 16:4-6, 36-43. 

Those things they received were  not only for them but also for us. Even though those songs were

received thousands of years ago, they still carry life and freshness in our day. 

They are songs that has touch of eternity to it.  That is the difference between what God gives and what men cook up. The bible says whatever the Lord does endures forever, Ecclesiastes 3:14. 

Don't abandon the place of staying before the Lord because of hunger and pressing needs, if you do you will miss out on your portion and the portion you are to give to others they will not receive it, Hebrews 12:16&17, Nehemiah 13:10-22,10:35-37. 

22 People wrote Psalm 119. Even though their name appeared once in the Bible, it was still recorded what they did and received. 

Those few verses of inspiration each of them received from the Lord are still blessing millions today. 

Imagine if they had not received those things how would you have known Psalm 119:106, that the Word of God is a light to your path and a lamp to your feet. 

Thank you Nim for giving to the Lord! 

There is nothing you do for God that is not on record not only for the purpose of receiving rewards but also for the purpose of blessing others with it. 

God is so meticulous(He pays attention to details). If He could be so meticulous to give a number to each hair on your head and know the total of them all and know the exact number that falls off when you comb your hair; how much more will He not forget your labour of love in which you have laboured for Him, Hebrews 6:10. He knows you by name, He has surnamed you.

All the people that built the wall of Jerusalem were mentioned one by one and the portion of the wall that each built was recorded, Nehemiah 3. 

Many times I have wondered why some things were written in the bible, because I felt they occupied so much space for something that is of that little significance. But nothing is of little significance  to God, He is a God of details. 

Sometimes when I am writing; I feel the readers don't need all these details, let me just go straight to the point, but the Holy Spirit  insist that I write everything as He gives me because that very little detail I want to leave out is somebody's answer. 

For some, their answer is in the introduction not in the body of the message. For some, their answer is in the body, for others the answer is in the closing remark or in the prayer at the end of the whole session, He wants to pray but doesn't even know how to generate the prayer points to pray and right there comes his answer at the prayer session of the whole message. 

So I can't afford to leave anything out or else someone will not be blessed. What will bless you in this message is not what will bless another person. 

Each person will take their own portion which will be different from one to another. But all the portions must be contained in this one message. 

This is why my messages are long so that everyone can receive their portion in what the Holy Spirit  has brought for them for that day through that message.

It has happened to me personally many times that I found my answers at different  part of a program or a message or a book. 

My answer could be lying there in the choir ministration or in what the person that wants to take the offering says or in the person that shared his testimony. 

It could be in a statement  that the person that prayed the closing prayer made or in the benediction. 

The bible mentioned those that took different parts in building the house of God to the point of mentioning what each carried and those that folded their arms and did nothing. 

Yes, the bible is that detailed and God is that detailed too because He was the one that inspired holy men to write what we call the bible as they were inspired, 2Peter 1:21.

David has this habit of singing his pain and troubles  unto the Lord. I am sure when he was doing that he didn't  know it was going to become somebody's bible that he will be reading and singing and receiving strength from it. 

He was simply expressing how he felt to God at the night seasons of his life but the Holy Spirit  was breathing upon it. The bible calls those expressions, songs of deliverance in the night, Psalm 32:7, Psalm 42:8. That is light shinning out of David's darkness. 

God puts songs of deliverance in our mouth in our night seasons but have you found them? Have you been searching for them? Have you started receiving them? 

Great things always come out of darkness if you are walking with God because God has commanded light to shine out of darkness. 

It was during a dark season in my life that this great ministry emerged. This teaching ministry didn't come out of light, it came out of darkness. 

That is why when I look at what I went through at that period of my life I look at it with joy in my heart not with pain seeing the marvellous light that has come out of that valley and night season. 

Many people have discovered great things that have changed the world and changed their lives forever during famine, during hunger, during pestilence and trials of different kinds. 

You know why? God has commanded light to shine out of darkness. Instead of mourning over what you are going through begin to command light to shine out of that darkness. 

There is something in that darkness that can bless you and bless others. Every trial you have been through has a worth value on it that can bless others and bring you both spiritual and physical rewards. 

I pray for you that you will begin to see your trials this way because when you hold unto this perspective and begin to see your pain and hurt and troubles from this lens, you have positioned yourself in such a way that light can begin to shine out of your darkness.



Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!





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