Hosea 4:6

To know how to fast in an acceptable manner, you must understand what fasting is and what it is not. 

Simply put, fasting is abstinence from anything that gives your body or flesh pleasure for the purpose of your spirit rising to commune with God freely without any interference from your flesh

Fasting is denying your n flesh of certain pleasure it loves to have  for the aim of bringing it to a place where it is subject to your spirit. 

That is for the purpose of your spirit rising above your flesh to the place where it can relate with God with little or no interference from your flesh.

Fasting is not only restricted to food or water, abstaining from sex is a kind of fast that also has spiritual value. 

Another kind of fast that also has spiritual value is abstaining from either food or water or both for a period of time.     

My people  are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because thou has rejected  knowledge I have also rejected you, Hosea 4:6. 

When you want to fast, ask God to guide you as which kind of fast is best suitable for you, that is for your flesh to be subdued and yoir spirit to rise.

Some people stay away from food but engage their eyes and mouth in immorality, you have not fasted. 

If it doesnt cost you something that your flesh enjoys you have not fasted and if nothing of spiritual value is done, it is still not fasting

You can stay away from food all day long but stay with internet or phone all day long you have not fasted. 

It is better to eat and stay away from phone, that way you would have truly deny yourself something that yoir flesh really craves and enjoys. 

You can sleep fast, you can fashion fast, you can phone fast, you can TV fast, you can party fast, you can sex fast, Daniel 10:3 

Your flesh can get use to a certain kind of fast such that it no longer yield the spiritual value you ought to get from that action again. 

What that means is that that kind of fast no longer work for you because like a bacteria to an antibiotics your body has gotten used to it. 

Anything at all you do to deny the flesh of its pleasure for the purpose of getting spiritual value is a fast. 

So, before you go for a fast ask God to show you which kind of fast best suit yoir flesh condition. 

There is the Jesus kind of fast, Moses kind of fast, Daniel kind of fast, Ezekiel kind of fast. 

There is short fast and there is long fast. Study which one works best for You, that is give you the highest spiritual result.

Food fast may not yield any spiritual value for you as a person because food was never really a pleasure to you, you only eat because you have to. 

Food and water fast is the commonest because no human being can survive without food and water for so long. They are so crucial to the survival of the human body.

So, it is the most common way of fasting, but there are other kinds of fasting that has equal spiritual weight or value of subduing the flesh.

Determine the quality of a fast by the spiritual value you got from it and not by the excercise of fasting itself. 

You can abstain and still not get any spiritual value. 

The spiritual value you get from the fast is what determines whether it is worthwhile or not. 

So you may find out that you hear God better on days you stay away from your phone or TV than on days when you abstain completely from food and water but keep your phone and TV on.

Totally abstaining from food and water may yield no spiritual value as abstaining from other things may yield for you. 

Deciding not to go out for 3days to see anyone for the sole purpose of being with the Lord is a kind of fast.  

Staying up at night between the hours of 12am to 3am for 40 nights is a kind of fast.  There is night fast and there is day fast. Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights, Matthew 4:12

If you don't know what fasting means and other kinds of fast that you can engage in, the devil can take advantage of your ignorance to afflict your body.

As your grow, a certain kind of fast can lost its spiritual significance in yoir life like an antibiotics that bacteria get used to, with time your flesh can get used to a certain kind of fast. Or by reason of age  your body can reject certain kinds of fast. 

Does that mean you should stop fasting all together? No it only means that you should change your fasting method.

Let God show you the kind of fast that is suitable for your health status, age range or limitations. 

Don't violate those limitations all in the name of trying to be spiritual. 

The Lord instructed me to teach this because many of us are ignoring the signs that our body is giving us all in the name of pursuing spiritual power.

Yoir body is as important as the assignment the Lord gave you in fulfilling your destiny and purpose. Don't neglect it.

God gave you a message and a horse that, horse is your body. if you kill that horse you have cut short the power of that message to go far. 

God will have to look for someone who that has a bidy to finish your assignment. May that not be out portion in Jesus name. 

It is not of him that runneth nor of him.that willeth but of the Lord that showeth mercy

The battle is not to the strong nor the race to the swift but time and chance happens to them all. 

Run patiently for the things of God has timing attached to it regardless of how much effort or wishing we put into it.

Please if you read the Part 1 of this post, make sure you read the Part 2 as well to have a complete understanding.

PRAYER: Father, open my eyes to areas of my life where I have been neglecting the care of my body in a bid to be spiritual. Father help me to have regard for your natural laws as well and not only your spiritual laws. Fill me with your wisdom to finish my assignment and to finish it strong in Jesus name. 



Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!





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