Daniel 11:32

No matter the volume of coperate fellowship you engage in, make sure you have a time of personal fellowship with God regularly. 

You have not known God until you know Him for yourself. It is the people that do know their God that shall be strong and do exploits, Daniel 11:32. Be a man or woman of the secret place.

Many go to church in Africa, but only few know God from the stand point of personal relationship. 

Strength and exploit in the kingdom is tied to personal relationship not coperate fellowship. 

After you have known the Lord coperately you must follow on to know him personally/individual. 

Don't fall for the deception that because you are gathering, that is all that matters, you don't need to know God for yourself. 

You must go beyond gathering with others as important as that is, to being alone with Him, Hebrews 10:25. Until then, your revelation of Him will be limited. 

Moses knew God for Himself and he was strong and did exploits. The children of Israel knew the God of Moses but He never really became their God, Psalm 103:7

The reason why people turn their religious leaders to idols and worship them is because they don't know God personally. 

A people that do not know God for themself will wander away from Him eventually like we see in the days of Gideon, Judges 8:33.

Once the man that represents God to them is out of the picture they go astray. 

The reason why God sent Jesus to die is not so we can know Him coperately but so that we can have a personal relationship with Him and know Him personally, Hebrews 4:16.

It is possible for a  people to gather to worship an unknown God like the people of Athens, Acts 17:23. 

Unfortunately that is what is happening in many places  of worship, the people know the God of their Pastor but He never really become their God. 

There are benefits to knowing God coperately or through His representatives and many have camped around that but there are limits to how far that can take us, Galatians 4:1&2.

A cry was heard in Ramah, Rachael crying for her children for they were no more. I thought they were covenant children how come they were no more, Matthew 2:18, Jeremiah 31:15.

There are seasons in our growth when God allows us to be carried on the shoulders and back of others.

However, He expects that after some time the effect of that carriage should be that we begin to seek Him out for ourself. 

There are times that it is your voice God.wants to hear not the voice of your pastor, mother, wife praying for you. 

Thank God for the intercessory ministries of prophets, wives, mothers and men and women of God and the brethren.

But, God doesn't that we remain the object  of intercession forever, we must grow up. 

God told Jeremiah, Then said the Lord unto me, “Though Moses and Samuel stood before Me, yet My mind could not be toward this people. Cast them out of My sight, and let them go forth, Jeremiah 15:1. 

Why? He wants to see them come to him in personal repentance, personally pursuing Him.and seeking Him not someone always seeking forgiveness or mercy on their behalf. 

This message is a call to grow up and stop being a baby christian. Others have been carrying you when will you start carrying others on your heart before the Lord.

There is a time that carrying a child is a pleasure to the mother but after sometime if the child refuses to grow up and begin to carry himself and others he becomes first, a burden and secondly refuses to be a blessing to those carrying him. 

What once they once enjoy doing, they begin to frown at doing. It is time to wake up and grow up. Stop playing church and get into a serious personal walk with God. 

One significant characteristics of a man that knows God for Himself is that he will understand His ways not only enjoy his acts, Psalm.103:7

Children only seek after and know God's  acts, but they are barren of understanding His ways, John 6:24-27

Hosea 6:2 says that when we return unto the Lord in repentance, after two days he will revive us and on the third day he will raise up and we shall we live in his sight. 

He didn't raise us up on the first or second day, He only revive us. It is on the third day that he raises us up. 

That raising us up his is acts but it only happens after he has revived us for those that follow on to know the Lord for themselves. 

That is the way of the man that knows God personally. He not only enjoy the acts of God He seeks to know and understand His ways. 

Therefore he can stand having done all to stand, he can persevere in the face of adverse situation and circumstances because he knows whom he has believed and has become persuaded of, Luke 22:28, Ephesians 6:13-14

The only outcome of such a man.or woman is strength and exploits.

Judging by these parameters, can you say you know God personally or you only know Him through others?

If not, run to Him quickly, you have played church enough, hiding under the guise of coperate worship. 

It is time to get personal with God and know Him for yourself. It is the reason why Jesus died so that you know God for yourself and come to Him for and by yourself not through anyone. 

If you are not getting into a personal fellowship and walk with God, you are not maximizing the death and resurrection of Jesus. 

It is never too late, run to Him now and cry to Him that you want to know HIM for yourself, not just coperately. 

If you are bornagain already, the Holy  Spirit  of God lives inside you and He has been speaking to you but you have been too busy with life affaors and coperate fellowship  that you are not hearing Him. 

Get your mind and body into a place of quietness and stillness and begin to engage Him in conversation, through His word and through prayer. 

That is the beginning of your personal walk with God.  

Congratulations and welcome on board the class of men that not only worship and fellowship with God coperately but also have a walk with Him! 

I welcome you into your season of strength and exploits.



Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!






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