How strong is your vision before the eyes of your mind? Nothing should be stronger than your vision before the eyes of your mind. 

Anything stronger than your vision will displace your vision. Marriage, children,job, academic pursuit, situation and circumstances can displace your vision if they become stronger than your vision before the eyes of your mind. 

Your vision will have to overcome many obstacles before it will begin to speak(manifest). 

I have seen people get married and their vision die. I have seen people give birth to children and they lost their vision. I have seen people get job and their vision became dim instantly. 

I know you have vision, but how strong is it? 

Moses was old and well stricken in age, and his eyes(vision) did not grow dim neither did his natural force to accomplish what he saw abate, Deuteronomy 34:7. He was still forcefully pursuing his vision even in his old age. 

Is your vision stronger than marriage? Is it stronger than children? Is it stronger than your spouse? is it stronger than your job? 

Is it stronger than academic pursuits? Is it stronger that situation and circumstances? Is it stronger than comfort and luxury? 

Will your vision stand the test of time? Will it stand the test of circumstances? Will it stand the test of relationships? What shall separate you from your God given vision? 

Anything that is stronger in your heart than your vision will eventually displace your vision. Fight to keep your vision sharp and clear always. 

Visions do get blurry and can disappear all together. When Eli was old he lost his vision, 1Samuel 3:2. 

Same thing with Isaac, when he was old he lost his vision, he wanted to transfer the blessing on the basis of whom he loved in the flesh against God's plan, Genesis 25:28, 27:1. 

But when Moses became old, his vision was still very sharp and the strength to accomplish it was still in full force, Deuteronomy 34:7. 

Surround yourself with things that could keep your vision very sharp and clear, Hebrews 3:12-14, 10:25. 

Stay close to the ark (the presence of God) where the lamps are consistently burning and never goes out. 

Moses secret was that He esteemed highly the presence of God. God already gave him an angel to go before him(Exodus 33:2) but he insisted on the presence of God going with him, Exodus 33:15&16.

Some people have vision too but it is just that it is too weak to stand up and fight against anything and too weak to survive anything whether situation or circumstances,  blessing or greatness. 

If you want your vision to be sharp you must have a singular focus, Matthew 6:22. Being double minded makes us to waver in our focus and the Bible says a double minded man is unstable in his ways and shall not receive anything from the Lord, James 1:6-8.

Many times I have wanted to do other things and the Lord would say "No, keep digging this well and not another, you will find water". 

I didn't know how difficult it is to keep doing one thing. Many of us have quoted the scripture, "This one thing I do" but have never really lived it. It is not that easy, especially when the results are not coming as fast as expected.

The nature of human flesh is such that it thrives on doing new things, it gives the flesh a feeling of accomplishing something. 

Your vision must be what occupies your mind everytime. You must be very serious about it and not allow it vacillate with every wind of distraction and with changes that comes in and around your life.(Job, marriage, relocation, academics, raising children, business e.t.c). 

Many of us, our eyes are not single, so our vision is not speaking. We have our eyes on too many things, we are not singularly minded. 

For us, our vision never become this one thing I do, but these many things I do. 

You are pursuing vision and suddenly you hear of one business that will bring quick money then you abandon the vision and run after the business for the next six months or two years.

When that one failed, you came back again and dust your vision and start all over again.  Then as you are doing that your friend just told you about travelling out of the country in search of greener pastures and you fell in love with the idea and begin to pursue that one. 

While you are doing that your vision suffers again. Now you are living abroad and you hear one fiery message on purpose and vision and you went to pick your vision again and you are doing it until someone tells you about going for further studies and having higher degree. Then you abandon the vision again and go for Masters or PhD. 

To crown it all you even got an all expense paid scholarship to sponsor the program and you can't resist the offer, it is just too good, exactly what you have been looking for.

This is the typical life that many of us live. We are not visionary, we are only looking for temporary satisfaction here and there and when we get one and we exhaust the momentary satisfaction it brings we go for the next thing that we think can give us satisfaction again.

I want you to be very sincere with yourself if you are an employer of labour and you have someone like what I just described as a member of staff will you be willing to commit serious things in your company into his or her hands? 

You know he is not committed to your company's course and his loyalty is under question, he is only looking for what to gain and leave. 

The right word you will use to describe such a person is that he is not serious as far as your company is concerned. 

The same thing with Jesus, He has tried and test us and has found us unserious. Our allegiance is not to His kingdom but to our personal lifting and comfort. 

God told Samuel not to look upon Eliab for he has rejected him. If God rejected him that means there was a time He was considering him but he failed the tests of God. May we not fail the tests of God in Jesus name.

This is how many of us are when it comes to vision so our vision doesn't speak. 

Nobody will join you to build if they can't see any seriousness in you, you must be very very consistent in pursuing your vision. 

Your destiny helpers can't see the seriousness in you so they are not coming to help you with the vision. 

God is not stirring their heart in your direction because He can't see the seriousness in you.

I will continue from here in my next post by God's grace. 

Meanwhile, pray and ask God to forgive you of your past unseriousness as regards the vision He has given you. Ask Him to give you a new heart that will esteem His purpose for your life far above every other thing.

Salvation is found in none else, for there is no name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved, except the name of Jesus. 

You may be reading this post and you have not yet given your life to Jesus. This is another opportunity for you to make that decision for Jesus by saying this prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart: 

Lord Jesus, I love You with all my heart. I believe that You are the Son of God that died and shed His blood for my sins. Today, I receive Your life and I declare that I am Yours. Congratulations you are now born again.



Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!





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