
Showing posts from October, 2023
WHAT YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT BATTLES James 1:2-4 You must know that no matter what battle it is you are fighting God is there with you, you are not fighting alone that knowledge alone will drive fear away.  You must know that your battles are the Lord's battle. What this means is that that battle came into your life because of God being in your life, 2Chronicles 20:15. So, it isn't really about you.  It could be because of the Lord's assignment you are doing or because of serving His purposes or promoting his name or because you have chosen to live by his ways or in obedience to him.  All those kinds of battle are the Lord's battles.  You must know that battles are meant both for your training and promotion not for your destruction. The battles we fight are what teaches us patience, longsuffering and perseverance, James 1;2-4 God uses battles that satan bring our way to perfect us and get us ready for the assignment He has for us, Genesis 50:20, Romans 8:28. The same way...
BATTLE READY! 2Timothy 2:3-5 The training of everyone that has a walk with God is two fold. First as an athlete, 1Corinthians 9:24-27. Secondly, as a soldier, 2Timothy 2:3-5 As an athlete your training are the spiritual excercises you engage in on a daily basis to make you fit to run the race of destiny and purpose that God has set before you, Hebrews 12:1.  However your training as a soldier comes through the battles that life throws at you, Acts 14:22. A soldier is trained for war not for comfort. The only time when men are expected to fight is during battle not at peace times, 1Kings 2:5b But to say you are not going to fight as a Christian is to be joking, because everyday whether we like it or not or are conscious of it or not, we are in a battle of some sort; some serious, some subtle. It is possible to confront situation in life where one is afraid. We are human as long as we are still in this earthen vessel.  What that means is that sometimes our humanity shows when we...
JESUS, THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. John 14:6 We must know Jesus The Way, not only The Life. If we know Jesus the life, but not Jesus the Way, our life will be bankrupt of testimonies because every time we come to Him we will.present our way, and never allow Him be the way.  Many times what we do is prescribe our way to Him and if it aligns with His way we say tea and right there we have our testimony, but if He says no you go back with nothing.  It is not enough to know Jesus must as the life only, we must also know Him as The Way. You can't get to God bypassing Him and you cant have God kind of result despising His way. Jesus could have died any other way but for salvation to come to mankind it must be death on the cross. That is the only way He could redeem us from the curse of the law, by hanging on the tree. Now imagine Jesus told the Father that he would chose another way to die but not on the cross, salvation would not come to you and I. The Lord can save by many an...
FAITH OR PRESUMPTION Isaiah 1:18&19 The Lord told me many times when we come to Him and say Lord use me, we already have a presumed model or pattern in our heart.  We already presume in our heart how He will use us or answer us. Even though our lip is saying Lord use me but our heart is saying either like Joshua Selman or Arome Osayi.  The Lord says when we come to Him we must come and present ourselves to him to use us anyway or anyhow he likes, attractive or not we must align.  You come to God that you want to serve you don't chose the kind of service He must put you to.  When you say Lord deliver me or heal me or save me you don't tell Him how He should heal or save or deliver you.  Ours is to find how He wants to do it and align ourselves with it. He may do it right there and then and He may ask us to go through some process. I remember Aimee Semple McPherson said when her son had accident and injured his foot badly, God told her to take the son to the h...