John 8:31

"My disciples are you indeed if you CONTINUE in my word", John 8:31. 

The secret of a growing spiritual life is continuity. No human being is born as an adult, every human being started the journey of life as a baby and as he continues to feed he begins to grow and grow and grow. So it is too in the christian journey. 

The men and women of God that God is using mightily today and have used in the past started out as babies in the Lord. 

At a point they were sinners and at some point in their life they handed their lives over to Jesus. 

They were received into the kingdom of God as babies, new born and as they continued in Him, they grew and grew and became mighty tools in God's hand, God's generals. 

The secret lies in continuity and this pattern was emulated in the life of Jesus. Though He was God in the flesh, He was given birth too like a man and HE GREW like a man. 

The Bible says and the child grew in wisdom and stature and favour with God and with men, and His spirit waxed strong, Luke 2:40&52. This scripture is showing us the pattern we must follow in our walk with God. 

John the Baptist, though full of the Holy Ghost right from his mother's womb followed this pattern, Luke 1:80. 

As Samuel continued to minister before God, he continued to grow and grow to a point that God did not allow His words to fall to the ground. 

Let us recall that the Bible said about him that there was a time the word of God was not yet revealed unto Samuel, 1Samuel 3:7. 

There was a time he ministered before the Lord under the guidance of Eli, later as he continued, the Bible says he ministered before the Lord girded with a linen ephod, 1Samuel 2:18. 

As he continued to come before God to minister unto Him, God kept adding unto him, the Bible says they go from strength to strength everyone of them that appeareth before God in Zion, Psalms 84:7. 

The linen ephod was an instrument of communication used in the old testament to communicate with God, 1 Samuel 30:7-8. 

Samuel did not start with the linen ephod, he started ministering before God under the guidance of Eli, 1 Samuel 2:11. 

It was Eli that told him the voice calling him was the voice of God and instructed him what to say to respond, 1 Samuel 3:8-10. 

However, he didn't camp around there, he continued to minister before God and later he was able to discern the voice of God by himself without the help of Eli, 1Samuel 2:18. 

This is a proof of growth, but he didn't camp around that also, he continued and one day his words became like the words of God that could not fall to the ground, 1 Samuel 3:19-21. 

I remembered when I started out my journey with the Lord, God gave me a passion for His word and I was always studying and I would pray. 

I wasn't getting much, from my study I could only see how scriptures are linked together but my understanding wasn't fruitful I was doing it everyday though I wasn't getting much. 

One day the Lord wanted to encourage me and I had a revelation where I saw Jesus standing very afar off. 

Infact, the distance between us was so much that I could only see Him dimly but I was able to make out His sherpherding staff and the shawl around His head. 

Suddenly, something just zoomed Him and the distance between us reduced to half and I came out of that revelation. 

What the Lord was communicating to me by that revelation was that I should not think because I was not getting much from my Bible study and prayer, nothing is happening. 

Those spiritual activities were actually closing up the distance between us, Romans 8:5. That revelation encouraged me greatly to continue. 

That time I thought I wasn't getting much understanding from my Bible study, what I didn't realize was that a bank of the word of God was being created in my spirit that the Holy Spirit could pick from to minister to me as the need arises.

What I am saying is; don't stop or get weary because you are not getting much result from your walk with God. 

Continue reading the word and praying and seeking the face of God. One day, your desire for God will get His attention and He will visit you, He will satisfy your thirst and hunger for Him and give you a fresh thirst and hunger. 

You have to prove to Him that you mean business with Him first before He will look at your side. 

Jesus said to His disciples, you are they that have continued with me in my temptations, Luke 22:28. 

It was because they continued  with Him in the time of His tests and trials that He now appointed unto them a kingdom as God had appointed unto Him, Luke 22:29.

At what point did you peg your walk with God because you were not getting much from your prayers and Bible study? 

The secret to growth in God lies in continuity. Don't camp around hearing God through other people, desire to hear Him for yourself. 

Earnestly desire spiritual gifts but don't settle down once you have them. Desire to know Him and the power of His Resurrection more and more. 

God is so deep that we can never ever know all that there is to know about Him. Forever, the angels will keep worshipping God, because everytime they always see a new revelation of God that they have not seen before. This is what brings about the continuous worship in heaven and the shout of "HOLY". 

How much more we on earth that we only see dimly? There is always more of God to press into, so keep on pressing and never stop. 

May the Lord Kindle a fire and a passion for Him that no distractions can ever quench in Jesus name, amen.

Salvation is found in none else, for there is no name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved, except the name of Jesus. 

You may be reading this post and you have not yet given your life to Jesus. This is another opportunity for you to make that decision for Jesus by saying this prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart: 

Lord Jesus, I love You with all my heart. I believe that You are the Son of God that died and she'd His blood for my sins. Today, I receive Your life and I declare that I am Yours. 

Congratulations you are now born again.



Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!





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