1John 5:4

Many people in their walk with God have not been tried by many things and have not overcome many things. Rather we have been tried by everything and have been overcome by everything. 

You can't say you are not an envious person when you have never had to watch others promoted over and over again and you remain in the same spot. 

You can't say you are not insecured when you have never been with someone of equal stature with you and your position or office or ministry is threatened.

These are the kinds of things God allows around our lives to reveal the true state of our heart to us and make us better. 

Jeremiah 48:11 says Moab hath been at ease from his youth and he hath settled on his Lee's and hath not been emptied from vessel to vessel, neither hath he gone into captivity. Therefore his taste remained in him and his scent is not changed. 

So when you are going through trials with the understanding that is now coming to you from this message, you won't be too quick to call it evil, you will rather ask God to allow the testing of your faith have its full work in you so that you can be perfect(matured) wanting nothing, James 1:3-5.

Your friend is progressing and you are here faithfully obeying the call of God and nothing seem to be happening in your own life yet.

You have every opportunity to be envious and jealous but you were not. Don't you know that is jealousy and envy testing you but you overcame. 

When others are moving and nothing seem to be happening to you that is when you are going through the test. 

Will you overcome or be overcame? If the world can make you change who you are because of the attacks and things it has thrown at you, you are not an overcomer rather you have been overcome by the world. 

But if you remain the same inspite of everything. You didn't stop being hardworking inspite of he fact that you were not promoted or recognized or opportunities were not passed to you when they showed up but were given to the lazy ones, you have not been overcome rather you are the overcomer. 

If Satan can make you drop your Christ like attitude and make you take up his own instead  because you were cheated you have been overcome.

 But if inspite of everything he does you didn't change to become like him and imbibe his idea, you are an overcomer. 

On the other hand if God can make you to take on his attitude and change from your bad attitude, He has prevailed in your life, 2Chronicles 33:12-13.

It is not only the bad things we must overcome, we must also overcome the good things too, Deuteronomy 8:17-18.

We must overcome the praises and ovation of men, 1Samiel 15:24-30. Even the blessings that come out of our walk with God must be overcome. Revelations 3:17

Those things have a power to overcome us when we worship them, thus taking the place of God in our lives, 2Chronicles 26:16

We can worship ministry, fame, influence, position  and affluence, even anointing that God gives us can become an idol, Acts 12:21-23.

Sometimes God test us with a little  blessing, influence and fame and watch how we respond. 

We must have this 'I am going through a test' mentality with everything that comes our way whether good or bad. 

It will put a check on us and help us perform better in whatever situation we find ourselves.

Every time, this battle that I just described is raging over our lives whether we are aware of it or not. 

We are either overcoming or being overcome. This is what happens with every lifting, promotion, blessings, trials, challenges and test of life that we face. 

This issue of overcoming or being overcome is what we are becoming with every trial and challenge that we face in life and also with every lifting and blessing we receive.

Every trial or challenge you face never leave you the same. Every blessing or lifting you receive is also a test that never leaves you the same. 

You are either overcoming or being overcome. You are either becoming more Christ like or devil like. 

If the challenge make you change your attitude from good to bad you have been overcome but if it make you change from bad to good or remain being good, you are an overcomer. 

So you can know easily who is prevailing in your life, God or the devil by how much the circumstances of life is fashioning you to become better or bitter, proud or humble.

The perspective to adopt as christians over every issue of life is to overcome evil with good. Don't catch yourself being overcome by evil. 

It is not going to be easy, but it is the overcomer's life. When you are doing it, you won't  really enjoy it but when you begin to see the fruit or result it produces, you will be glad you paid the price, Hebrews 12:11.

You will be mocked, ridiculed, cheated and called all kinds of things but by being an overcomer you are creating a channel through which the power of resurrection can flow through you to bring salvation to others.  

An overcomer's reward awaits everyone that overcame, Revelations 2:7&11, 17&26, 3:5&12,&21.

This battle is a constant war, we fight it everyday whether to overcome evil with good or other wise. 

Don't allow the wickedness in this world and in men make you to become wicked, thus taking on the nature of satan. 

Rather the more wicked it gets the better it should make you become, this is taking on the nature of Christ, Isaiah 60:2&3. 

This message is hard but very rewarding. The process is bitter but the fruit is very sweet. It is sweet in the mouth but will make your stomach sour, Revelations 10:10.

Every day, you are either becoming bitter or better. If the wickedness in the world make you to become bitter you are taking on the nature of the devil. 

If the wickedness in the world does not make you to become bitter but better you are taking on the nature of Christ.

We must get wiser but no root of bitterness must be allowed to spring up inside us, Hebrews 12:15.

Ask the Lord to anoint you with divine recognition so that you will see whatever you  are going through per time whether good or bad as He sees it and you will respond to it accordingly.


Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!





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