
Showing posts from February, 2024
MARKS OF THE CROSS PART TWO GALATIANS 6:17 Apostle Paul said, "From henceforth let no man trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus", Galatians 6:17. What an audacious statement!  He knew the authority and power that comes with bearing the Cross and he used it to make a decree. Hmm....I love the Word of God, It settles everything! You know many of us when God ask us to lay things down and His will crosses our will instead of seeing the power and authority that comes from doing the will of God the devil focuses our attention on the temporary pain and sufferings that we may have to go through.  This message is coming to us this morning to let us know whatever God is asking us to lay down is not to our detriment but to our advantage.  Apostle Paul know what the marks of the cross translated too in his life and he used it to make a bold decree.  He knew that even though the sufferings of Christ may abound in him so also is the consolations of Christ a...
MARKS OF THE CROSS GALATIANS 6:17 What is the Cross? The Cross is where your will and God's will cross and you chose to bow to the will of God.  The Cross is where you say no to the flesh so that you can say yes to Jesus.  It is where you say no to the world and the will of men so that you can say yes to the will of God over your life.  An ambition can be sponsored by the will of men, it can be sponsored by the will of the flesh but there are  ambitions that are purely sponsored by the will of God, John 1:13 Every time these happen to you, you are carrying the cross and bearing the Cross of Jesus always leave a mark on you.  The marks of bearing the Cross is not automatically on you because you are born again, it comes on you by your action of denying your own will to submit to the will of God over your life.  The sons of Sceva knew Jesus whom Paul preached and believed in His power and His name to cast out demon but they were defeated and beaten because th...
WORSHIPPING FROM AFAR PART TWO This message is a continuation of my last post. I will advise that you read the last post if you have not. Moses, Joshua, Aaron, the seventy elders and the rest of the Israelites were all at different level of closeness to God. The more they drew near, the more they saw of His glory.  So they all have different perspective in describing what the glory of God looks like by what they saw which was determined by the distance they stood to worship.  What Moses saw was different from what the 70 elders saw and what Joshua saw was different from what the children of Israel that worship from the door of their tents saw.  By not coming near enough their perspective of God was distorted, they prefer to know God through Moses and the Bible says there still remain a veil in their heart anytime Moses is read, 2Corinthians 3:15. Moses still had to cover his face with a veil when they complained that his face was too shinning for them to behold. They coul...
WORSHIPPING FROM AFAR? The promise to draw near abide still. Revelations 22:17b says, "And whosoever will,  let him take the water of life freely" The way to the Holy of Holies is opened, the curtain separating the inner court from the Holy of Holies has been rend from top to bottom, Matthew 27:51.  But drawing near to enter is the responsibility of each one of us, 2Timothy 2:21.  How much do you love the Lord? How much price are you willing to pay to draw near and stay near the one you love?  Many waters (Persecution,challenges and troubles) cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it.... SOS 8:7a Jesus said if any man loves me He will keep my commandments and I will manifest myself unto Him. He said my father and I will come and make our abode with him(Paraphrasing), John 14:21-23. The message to us this morning is a charge to draw near to God.  But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver but also of  wood and of earth an...