Matthew 13:31-32

Every word that proceeds out of the mouth God carries tremendous power whether as song, prophecy, teaching, Psalms or proverbs. 

Proverbs and wise sayings are a precious gift from God, don't let people despise it, they are just like Psalms. 

Just the same way some are given songs from heaven, some are given prophecies, some are given psalms, others proverbs. 

Nothing God gives is small. 

Solomon wrote 3000 wise sayings, those wise sayings are the book of proverbs that you read today. 

God allowed it to be put into the Bible as part of words inspired by the Holy Spirit and it is blessing many lives today including yours. 

God gave Isaiah Jeremiah and Ezekiel the gift of prophecy and they prophesied and prophesied and prophesied and kept on prophesying till their last day on earth to the point that Jeremiah saud if I say I should not speak it is like fire shut up in my bones. 

They prophesied to individuals, they prophesied to nations and people, to things, to kings and peasants, to situation and circumstances and they prophesied the future, prophesied of things that they were not going to be a part of.

If it is His Word, it will not pass away, it will accomplish the purpose for which it is sent in the life of individuals, nations and people to which it is sent. 

So, don't let the stoic nature of people or lack of feedback or the sarcasm and criticism of people make you think that the word is so little or the gift so inconsequential that it can't accomplish much in people's lives. 

Once it is a word from God, it cannot pass it must accomplish. It will even outlive those that spoke it. 

That the word did not accomplish in their own lives does not mean it is not accomplishing in the lives of others. 

Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life, John 5:24. 

The words of God are eternal and evergreen and are words that are sent so there are individuals to which it is sent. 

Did he not say he sent his word out to heal and save them from their destructions?

God's Words are messengers of God sent to people. 

Did the Bible not say the word of God was sent as a flying scroll and it entered into the house of a thief and those that swear falsely and cursed it. 

That is where the word was sent to, the house of a thief and those that swear falsely. The Word of God has a destination and it doesn't miss. 

It may not be sent to you, but there are specific people it is sent to and it will not miss. 

The Bible says the word remained in the house of a thief and those that swear falsely and it consumed the timber and stones thereof, Zechariah 5:4. 

It is the same as saying it stayed there until it accomplished what it is sent to do, Isaiah 55:10&11. 

A man is depressed and in mourning and suddenly realised it was not meant to be. He asked the Lord to send his light and truth to lead him and guide him into God's presence and holy tabernacle, Psalm 43:3. 

God shut the mouth of Ezekiel such that he could not speak. He only speaks when God wants to speak. He begins to have the inspiration and begin to speak.

Words that are sent don't fall to the ground. 

Another man said let the opening of my mouth be as the morning dew, Deuteronomy 32:1-2. 

Some Word of God are very long like in Psalm 119 and in sermons and messages and some are very short as short as just one verse or two but it is still the word of God. 

That a prophet does not have honour in his own house and among his people does not mean he does not have honour elsewhere. 

Don't use the reaction and responses of certain people to judge your performance. 

The word was sent to them as it was sent to you but it didn't profit them bevause it was not mixed with faith in them. 

He who welcomes a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive the reward of a prophet and he who welcomes a prophet as a family member will receive a family member's reward. 

You can't receive of an anointing you don't honour, what that man carries return back to him when dishonoured. 

He that honoured you honoreth the God that sent you, John 5:23. 

The short messages that God gives you are the wise sayings and the long messages He gives you are the teachings. 

None is inferior to the other, the same way Proverbs is not inferior to Psalms or Ephesians. 

They are all books of the bible, meant for the building up of the saints but going about different ways to bring about the same result

I hope this message has strengthened you to continue in your assignment?



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