THE WELL Numbers 21:16-18. You must understand your place in destiny thoroughly for you to be secure in it and be all that God wants you to be. Don't let anybody despise your youth and don't let them.despise your gift or small beginnings, 1Timothy 4:12, Zechariah 4:10. Your calling will prove you whether you are worthy of it before it will begin to speak, Psalm 105:19 It is possible to carry a gift that the carrier is not worthy of. The Lord told me that the same way He told Jonah to cry against a city saying, or preach unto a city the preaching He bid him, Jonah 1:2 He can also send a person to sing unto a people in whom the well inside them is dried up, and by singing to them the well inside them begins to spring up again. There are people that through your messages or songs or writings you will dig up well inside them. Every strike of the word breaks the fallow ground of their heart until you hit a gusher and the water begins to spring up. Whether I give...