
Showing posts from August, 2024
THE MYSTERY OF PARTNERSHIP Colossians 1:27 It is an attemp in futility fighting a man that has the Holy Spirit. The assurance that you will win is the Holy Spirit in you. A child of God has hope and that hope is the Holy Spirit inside of you. Did the bible not say Christ in you the hope of glory?  The assuarance that we will have everything that God promised is the Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1:14.  Even when you don't know what to pray for, the Holy Spirit  helps your infirmities by taking hold with you together agsinst what is confronting you.  If you have the Holy Spirit  you are unstoppable, unlimited. There are three that bear witness in heaven and there are three that bear witness on earth.  The Holy spirit bear witness on earth and in heaven. That revelation alone is enough to give you comfort and rest in any challenge.  If you are born again you have hope of salvation in any situation you find yourself, so sorrow not as those that are without hope and without God in this world. 
PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE (PART 2) Matthew 11:28-30 Many don't even know where they are again in God's programme for their lives or what season they are in because every of their steps have been ordered by money and and seemingly opportunities. Life can be very easy if you allow God order your steps. Because it is God Himself that go ahead of you to prepare a place for you where He wants you to be, John 14:1-3. It is very burdensome to try to takecare of yourself by yourself, Jeremiah 10:23. The burden alone can kill. It is the reason for many of the High Blood Pressure, heart attacks, depression and suicides that is so rampart these days. Nothing is as sweet as allowing God order your steps, Psalm 37:23.  However, to enjoy God's leading you must be obedient to His Word and princples.  Many don't tithe or give or live in keeping with Gods Word and principles and they come and say things are hard and they are barren of ideas. The bible says the way of the trangressor is hard,
PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE (PART 1) John 4:34 We must understand the seasonal dealings of God. God deals with us per seasons, so our trainings are not the same everytime.  To walk with God successfully, there is a training in flexibility that we must go through, John 3:8 There are times that what God is doing currently with you is bringing you into intimacy and for that reason you will see that you have a lot of time in your hands.  You may just see that even though you are trying to change your job or get a job but none is forth coming. The next thing is to ask God what He is doing with you now.   When you understand that what God is doing with you at that season is intimacy; the issue of that joblessness will not bother you too much again because you now know why.  Many because of not understanding the seasonal dealings of God has rushed themselves out of seasons and missed vital lessons that God was trying to teach them.  Purpose is priority, and should be the determining factor for everyt
NOTHING GOD GIVES IS SMALL Matthew 13:31-32 Every word that proceeds out of the mouth God carries tremendous power whether as song, prophecy, teaching, Psalms or proverbs.  Proverbs and wise sayings are a precious gift from God, don't let people despise it, they are just like Psalms.  Just the same way some are given songs from heaven, some are given prophecies, some are given psalms, others proverbs.  Nothing God gives is small.  Solomon wrote 3000 wise sayings, those wise sayings are the book of proverbs that you read today.  God allowed it to be put into the Bible as part of words inspired by the Holy Spirit and it is blessing many lives today including yours.  God gave Isaiah Jeremiah and Ezekiel the gift of prophecy and they prophesied and prophesied and prophesied and kept on prophesying till their last day on earth to the point that Jeremiah saud if I say I should not speak it is like fire shut up in my bones.  They prophesied to individuals, they prophesied to nations and p
TRUST THE PROCESS Phillipians 1:6, 1Thessalonians 5:24 There is a destination and the journey doesn't look like that destination.Don't use the journey to determine the destination.  God is both in the journey and in the destination.  Anyone looking at the Israelites dwelling in tents and walking barefooted on long distances with one cloth, one sandal, sometimes without food and water or one kind of food for several weeks will almost conclude that they are a people without a God.  Yet God was right in the midst of them. God is with the high and mighty and is also with the lowly.  It is just that we are so accustomed to seeing him in the lowly that to see him in the high and mighty becomes difficult sometimes also  we are so accustomed to seeing him in the high and mighty that we find it difficult to see him among the lowly.  God is both God of the hills and the mountains. He was with David as a sherpherd boy in the bush and was also with him as a king in the palace.  God delight