THE MYSTERY OF PARTNERSHIP Colossians 1:27 It is an attemp in futility fighting a man that has the Holy Spirit. The assurance that you will win is the Holy Spirit in you. A child of God has hope and that hope is the Holy Spirit inside of you. Did the bible not say Christ in you the hope of glory? The assuarance that we will have everything that God promised is the Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1:14. Even when you don't know what to pray for, the Holy Spirit helps your infirmities by taking hold with you together agsinst what is confronting you. If you have the Holy Spirit you are unstoppable, unlimited. There are three that bear witness in heaven and there are three that bear witness on earth. The Holy spirit bear witness on earth and in heaven. That revelation alone is enough to give you comfort and rest in any challenge. If you are born again you have hope of salvation in any situation you find yourself, so sorrow not as those that are without hope a...