(PART 2)

Matthew 11:28-30

Many don't even know where they are again in God's programme for their lives or what season they are in because every of their steps have been ordered by money and and seemingly opportunities.

Life can be very easy if you allow God order your steps. Because it is God Himself that go ahead of you to prepare a place for you where He wants you to be, John 14:1-3.

It is very burdensome to try to takecare of yourself by yourself, Jeremiah 10:23. The burden alone can kill.

It is the reason for many of the High Blood Pressure, heart attacks, depression and suicides that is so rampart these days. Nothing is as sweet as allowing God order your steps, Psalm 37:23. 

However, to enjoy God's leading you must be obedient to His Word and princples. 

Many don't tithe or give or live in keeping with Gods Word and principles and they come and say things are hard and they are barren of ideas. The bible says the way of the trangressor is hard, Proverbs 13:15.

The harvest you are praying and confessing where do you think it will come from? From nothing?

You can programme perpetual favour upon your life by obeying the Holy Spirit and by living in keeping with the principles contained in scripture, Deuteronomy 28:1-2, Isaiah 1:19, Job 36:11, Acts 20:35.

A man of God said I never applied for Job in NNPC yet my name came out for interview and I was taken for the job without knowing anybody.  

That is a man God wants there. He goes ahead of Him to prepare a place for him. It is the same prayer point someone has been praying for 5years now and it has not been answered. 

You know why? It is a lust driven prayer not purpose driven, James 4:3. 

Notjing is as sweet as leaving your life in the hands of God. When God knows He can send you anywhere and you will go even if it is not a place of comfort, He will bring you to places of comfort in life you never asked or imagined of ever thought possible, Epheaians 3:20.

What others struggle and kill to get, you will get very cheaply and you will be unstoppable because God is the one in charge of your life, the Bible says upon all the glory shall be a defence, Isaiah 4:5. He will not only bless you He will defend your blessings. 

When your life is purpose driven it may mean staying in a place of lack and discomfort for ten years just so that He can train you.

 It may mean being jobless for 5years so you can have enough time to spend getting to know Him and being prepared for your assignment.

Because by the time the job comes you will be going there as His Ambassador, an envoy of His presence, His battle axe, not just as an employee. 

It is then you will understand the reason for that delay. When you see the kind of child or ministry or business or wife/husband that God gives you, it will be worth the wait, so you can be thoroughly prepared and furnished. 

When you understand these things in your seasons of waiting, it makes it bearable and less painful because you understand exactly what God is doing with you and as a result you are able to endure and cooperate with God till He is through with you, Colossians 19-11. You can be joyful in trial!

Nothing anybody say to you at such times hurt so much and by revelation you can forgive them and even pray for them because they know not neither do they understand.

Not every delay or problem is demonic and it is the strength of your secrete place that will help you know which is which.

I remember a time in my life I was going through some serious challenge and I was going from one pastor to the other to seek help.

They prayed for me, did everything but none of their prayers worked. I was frustrated, I felt lonely in that problem, because it was defying prayers.

Until one day, I came across a scripture and I understood why that problem was defying prayers, Isaiah 31:4

The God we have all been praying to is the one behind my problem. He is the Lion standing by Me His prey and those praying for me were the multitude of sherpherds called forth against Him. 

The bible says He will not be afraid of their voices nor abase himself for the noise of them, Isaiah 31:4.

You can not pray against God, it won't work. What you can do is quietly coperste with Him, 2Corinthians 13:8, Isaiah 30:3

I have someone close to me that has been doing all he can to convince me to leave this country and come abroad; but I keep on refusing because memories of what I went through before I finally obeyed the call of God has instilled the fear of God in me, Hosea 7:11-16, Isaiah 31:1-3.

I dare not take such a step without His consent. I know what my eyes saw the other time, so I quietly wait for His leading, John 7:6-8, Hosea 11:10-11, Isaiah 30:1-3

Knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men, 2Corinthians 5:11.

Purpose in your heart that you will live a purpose driven life that brings pleasure to God even if it seemingly means lesser money or comfort. 

When God began to run my life, I have rest; it was a big burden that was taken off my neck, Isaiah 32:17&19

I remember one time the devil attacked my finances and I was so broke. At the same time my phone got spoilt, someone that owed me money refused to pick calls. 

I had to borrow money to buy another phone because the people of God must be fed. Out of desperation and not knowing exactly what to do to scale through, I planned to start a business. 

Then the Lord spoke to me during quiet time one day that I never asked Him to show me the way of escape He has provided for me in the midst of that trial, 1Corinthians 10:13. 

And as if scales fell off my eyes, my eyes opened and I suddenly saw it. 

He provided a way of escape, within 3 days hundreds of thousands entered my account from someone I know to keep for Him, 

Right there and then I told the Lord it was not my money that if I spent it how would I pay it back. 

The answer the Lord gave me establish me in the love of God forever, Ephesians 3:17-19. 

He said if your children are hungry and you went to borrow bread for them from your neighbour, who pays? 

I said I am the one who pays, not my children. He said let me worry about how the money will be paid while you go and use the money to settle your expenses. 

Several months later the owner called me to ask about his money that he would be needing it soon.

Right after we spoke, a scripture just jumped to my mind, "God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved, God shall help her and that right early, Psalms.46:5.

Few days later, my former car that I have not been able to sell for over a year just got sold and off went the bill just like a joke, Isaiah 17:14.

I can go on and on with testimonies of how the Lord has practically taken care of my needs, and brought me out of situations that look like a lion's den. 

They are too many, and I know by experience that when we pursue Gods purpose for our lives He takes care of everything else because we have exchanged our yoke for his yoke and our burden for his burden, the result is rest on all sides, Matthew 11:28, Matthew 6:33.

When you learn of Him your yoke will be easy and your burden will be light, Matthew 11:30

Many come to Him but only very few learn of Him, fewer still give Him their burden and very few indeed are those who go ahead to take His yoke upon themselves, Matthew 11:29

This Jesus is so real, so good and so so faithful and what He did for one He will do for another because He is not a respecter of persons, Acts 10:34&35. 

As many as call upon Him in truth whether greek or gentile, He will save, Romans 10:12&13, Psalm 145:18.

I bring you a word from the Lord.




Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!






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