The gospel of salvation stands on two legs. 

The first leg is accepting Jesus as our personal Saviour while the second leg is making HIM our Lord. 

Over the years, a lot of emphasis have been placed on accepting Jesus as our Saviour while the second part of making Him our Lord has been less emphasized. 

We have been made to believe that once we accept Jesus as our Saviour, we have access to the inheritance that comes with salvation and can now begin to enjoy them. 

A lot of christians have left the lordship part for only those who are called into the five-fold ministry and because of this, though we are born again, Jesus never really becomes our Lord. 

It is one thing for Jesus to be your Saviour,but another thing entirely for him to be your Lord.

Who is a Lord? A Lord is a person or deity who has authority, control, or power over others, like a master, a chief, or a ruler. 

A lot of times we say Jesus is Lord but let me ask you just as Jesus asked Pilate in John 18:34, is that your own personal revelation or what others told you? 

At some point after accepting Jesus as our saviour, He must also become our Lord. 

May be because of the way God brought about the salvation of mankind such that it is free and we don't have to pay or do anything for it. 

However, if we think about it deeply salvation is not free. It cost God His beloved son and it cost Jesus everything.

If Jesus cannot excercise His authority, control and power over your life and my life through the agency of the Holy Spirit, then He is not Lord in our lives. 

Being Lord starts from obeying His instructions as we come across them in the Bible and graduates to obeying His customized instructions in our lives. 

One day I wanted to use the authority in the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus to get something done for me and I tried and tried it didn't work. 

In my frustration I went back to the Lord to ask why it didn't work and the Lord showed me that though my understanding and application was right, His lordship over my life is not yet total and He told me the percentage of His lordship over my life. 

He went further to show me the way I always reacted whenever He wanted to go further and take 100 percent, how I would shout and get angry and threaten to collect back even the areas where He is already Lord. 

You know I almost argued with the Holy Spirit because I felt I have given everything until He began to show me the areas where He is not yet Lord in my life did I really agree. 

He told me that day, that I am only ready to judge all disobedience when my obedience is complete, 2Corinthians 10:6. 

I repented and I brought all the areas He mentioned under His lordship but that was still not the end of the matter. He came to test if my submission was genuine. 

In those areas He mentioned, a time came when my will and His will clashed and He watched to see if I would lay down my will so that His will could prevail. 

Only when I submit my will to His will is my repentance genuine until then my repentance is still under question.  

Now you may want to say but I have been using the name and blood of Jesus and it has been working for me although looking critically at my life I can't say I have fully submitted to Him. 

It is true, it was so for me too. But the Holy Spirit made me to understand that the covenant God cut with Abraham involved two personalties, God and Abraham. 

God spelt out his own part and He also spelt out Abraham's part which was that every male in his house, whether those born in his house(Jew) or foreigners raised in his house or bought with his money(Gentiles) must be circumcised in the flesh on the eight day, not on the first, fifth or seventh day but the eight day, Genesis 17:12. 

When we just get bornagain we are in between the first 7days and God covers for us at those period making the covenant work for us though we are not yet circumcised by the cutting away of the flesh. 

God doesn't start making demands on a day old baby, He wants to show them all His love and mercy inorder to encourage them but if on the eight day we are still not yet circumcised in the flesh, the terms of the covenant is that anyone who is not circumcised by then should be cut away from his people, Genesis 17:14. 

What that means is that he should no longer be allowed to enjoy the privileges of the covenant any longer. 

You may also want to ask, but that is old covenant, I thought so too. But, Genesis 17:13b says, "My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant".  

It is as we submit to God and resist the devil that he flees from us not when we are walking in disobedience, James 4:7.

Only God determines when that eight day is in the lives of individual christian and that eight day always mark the beginning of a new life in Christ, Galatians 2:20

 Because on that day we are given a new name, we are no longer called baby, Luke 2:21. 

It is too risky to be the one in charge of your life. Bring every area of your life under the lordship of the Holy Spirit. 

Receive grace to be a doer of this word in Jesus name, amen.


Anything short of you being born again and living a life of holiness and purity hurt Jesus so much. But you can make things right here and now by saying this simple prayer and mean it genuinely from your heart:

 Lord Jesus I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot help myself. I repent of all my sins and I forsake them. Jesus, I invite you into my life, be my Lord, be my Saviour. 

Wash me by your precious blood, forgive my sins and write my name in the book of life. From this day, I promise to follow you all the rest of my life. Help me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations you are now born again!






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