THE DYNAMICS OF RECEIVING PERCEPTION (PART 2) MARK 11:24 This morning I will be sharing with us the third point under petception. C). YOURSELF Not only must others perceive us correctly to receive of the grace we carry, we must also perceive ourselves correctly to be able to be a blessing to people. He that is from the earth is of the earth earthy but he that is from above is above all, John 3:31. One of my frequent prayers to the Lord is to discover more of who I am in destiny. Because until you know yourself in destiny, you can't be all that God wants you to be. The communication of your faith is made effectual by acknowledging every good thing that is in you in Christ Jesus, Philemon 6. You will be calling yourself a coward when all of heaven is seeing you as a mighty man of valour. Before Gideon could fulfil his destiny, his perception of himself had to change from the coward hiding from the midianites to the mighty man of valour that he truly was. Elijah sai...