LIGHT TO SHINE OUT OF DARKNESS 2 Corinthians 3:6 There are things you and I suppose to receive from the Lord for others but we can't if we don't seek His face continually. Asaph and Jeduthun, David and the sons of Korah stayed before the ark of the Lord and ministered before the ark continually and they received songs from Him that you and I are still singing to the Lord till today, 1Chronicles 16:4-6, 36-43. Those things they received were not only for them but also for us. Even though those songs were received thousands of years ago, they still carry life and freshness in our day. They are songs that has touch of eternity to it. That is the difference between what God gives and what men cook up. The bible says whatever the Lord does endures forever, Ecclesiastes 3:14. Don't abandon the place of staying before the Lord because of hunger and pressing needs, if you do you will miss out on your portion and the portion you are to give to others the...