
Showing posts from June, 2023
REST FOR THE WEARY PART 1 Mark 11:28-30 This message is particularly for ministers but others too will be tremendously blessed by it. I wrote it as I received it from the Lord, so it was written in first person dialogue to address the issue of worry and anxiety in ministry. No matter how hard you try you can't do more than I have allotted for you to do.  You can do lesser or exactly just what I want you to do but you can't do over and above what I have called you to do.  The specific things that your assignment is going to accomplish are already written down, and time has been allocated to each of them.  They are works that have been ordained from the foundation of the earth for you to walk in them, Ephesians 2:10 As you make Me your pursuit and not what I can give, you will begin to find yourself in them. Some, you will discover them along the way while others you will grow into them with time.  Your seasons are scheduled, and you are brought into them. You have jus...
THE GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS  PART 4 Romans 10:3-4 But while I am growing into the image of Christ trusting the Holy Spirit to bring me into conformity with Christ, I am covered by the rightousness of Jesus to be protected from sins and its consequences that is still in my nature.  This is what apostle Paul ment when he said can we continue in sin and say grace should abound, he said God forbid, Romans 6:15.  Once you understand this, you will understand why Apostle Paul said there is now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. Why? For the law of spirit of life has set them free from the law if sin and death.  What does this mean? When you are living by the law trying to work up your own righteousness.  That is, wanting to earn a right standung with God by working for it, you are operating under the law of sin and death and you will always come under condemnation, Romans 10:3-4 This is because no one can f...
THE GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS PART 3 (UNDERSTANDING THE SIN NATURE) Romans 7:14 The law in itself is good and Holy but because man has sin in its nature the law when it came only revived that sin nature and gave it power, Romans 7:8-10. What does this mean? It means if you have not told me don't take meat inside the pot or else I will beat you I might not even have the desire to go near the pot at all not to talk of taking any meat but immediatley you gave that law, the sin nature in me was awaken and it began to push me to want to steal the meat.  All along the sin nature was in me  but it was not revived because there was nothing to revive it, but immediately the law came, that sin nature came alive and decived me and slew me.  In order to deal with this problem there is another righteousness that bypasses that sin nature, it does nothing to awake it like the law does, Hebrews 10:1-4 It doesn't revive my sin consciousness, only my God consciousness is awakened.  When I...
THE GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS PART 2 Romans 4:2-11 Why did God say by faith is how He will establish the righteousness of men? Because of the consciousness of sin. The consciousness of sin will not help us  to stand before God, we qwill always be feeling condemned, 1John 3:21. And this is exactly what the law does, it brings with it the consciousness of sin and with the consciousness of sin comes death because the wages of sin is death, Romans 7:8, Romans 6:23. If we minister with sin consciousness the feedback we receive is death because the wages of sin is death but the gift of righteousness is eternal life and peace. Only when you minister standing on the righteousness that is by faith can you minister eternal life and peace to men.  And in order to deal with sin consciousness in us, God decided to route righteousness through another means which is not by the law so He introduced righteousness by faith that has nothing at all to do with working for it, that is keeping...