A PERSONAL GOD Daniel 11:32 No matter the volume of coperate fellowship you engage in, make sure you have a time of personal fellowship with God regularly. You have not known God until you know Him for yourself. It is the people that do know their God that shall be strong and do exploits, Daniel 11:32. Be a man or woman of the secret place. Many go to church in Africa, but only few know God from the stand point of personal relationship. Strength and exploit in the kingdom is tied to personal relationship not coperate fellowship. After you have known the Lord coperately you must follow on to know him personally/individual. Don't fall for the deception that because you are gathering, that is all that matters, you don't need to know God for yourself. You must go beyond gathering with others as important as that is, to being alone with Him, Hebrews 10:25. Until then, your revelation of Him will be limited. Moses knew God for Himself and he was stron...