POWER OF TESTIMONY Revelations 12:11 They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the words of their testimonies and death to self, Revelations 12:11 Three potent weapons of warfare. Power of Testimony is one of them. Whenever you share the testimonies of Gods goidness in your life you are calling him to come and do it again. It must become our habit to constantly magnify God by praising Him and spread the word of His goodness through our testimonies, Psalm 22:22 Testimonies are powerful, they are our weapons of warfare. These are the things we should be thinking on and engaging in to maintain our victory. Thanksgiving, testimonies, praise, thinking always on the goodness of God even when it seems impossible to do so. Still do it, because you know it is light you are introducing into that darkness. Give testimony by revelation. When you give testimony by faith it puts God under pressure because faith is what moves God, Hebrews 11:6. He cannot af...