
YOU ALSO HATH HE CALLED 1 CORINTHIANS 3:6-9 Imagine how hard the work of Apostle Paul would have been in the life of Timothy if there had been no Louise and Eunice to prepare the ground for his coming.   May be instead of finding him in church, he would have had to pick him up among drug addicts somewhere in town. And the time he would have spent to first of all clean him up might not have allowed for God's calling to fully find expression in the life of Timothy because a mother and a grandmother failed in their assignment.  As far as God is concerned, the work that Timothy's mother and grandmother did in his life was as equally important as that of Apostle Paul.  When we talk of Timothy, Apostle Paul's spiritual son immediately comes to mind but we don't readily remember Louis and Eunice, his mother and grandmother. Whether we like it or not, not everybody will have the five fold kind of ministry but everybody has a ministry, a ministry as equally important as the five
THE PARTICIPATORY ROLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN YOUR LIFE ESTHER 2:9&15 Esther did not just become attractive to king Ahasuerus and became his queen, she was taught what to do to win the heart of the king by Hegai who had charge of the harem.  Jesus handed us over to the Holy Spirit to continue His ministry on earth(John 15:26), to teach us what to do to please the Father and make us attractive to Him, John 14:26  But first of all, Esther had to please Hegai, an example of the Holy Spirit by recognizing and honoring his person, she respected his opinions and suggestions and because of this she found his favour, Esther 2:9.  It was after Esther had pleased Hegai, that he showed her what to do, how to appear before the king, what to take along to win the heart of the king.  Hegai did not delay the supply of Esther's beauty treatment and special food because she found favour in his sight. We do not know how to please God, it is the Holy Spirit that teaches us, 1Corinthians 2:11.  The
  LORDSHIP The gospel of salvation stands on two legs.  The first leg is accepting Jesus as our personal Saviour while the second leg is making HIM our Lord.  Over the years, a lot of emphasis have been placed on accepting Jesus as our Saviour while the second part of making Him our Lord has been less emphasized.  We have been made to believe that once we accept Jesus as our Saviour, we have access to the inheritance that comes with salvation and can now begin to enjoy them.  A lot of christians have left the lordship part for only those who are called into the five-fold ministry and because of this, though we are born again, Jesus never really becomes our Lord.  It is one thing for Jesus to be your Saviour,but another thing entirely for him to be your Lord. Who is a Lord? A Lord is a person or deity who has authority, control, or power over others, like a master, a chief, or a ruler.  A lot of times we say Jesus is Lord but let me ask you just as Jesus asked Pilate in John 18:34, is t
MASTER AND OVERCOME MOCKERY PART TWO ISAIAH 51:7-8 I remember when the Lord instructed me to start a WhatsApp group and be sharing messages on it, many people started commenting and leaving the group, infact they left in droves.  When I got to the office the following day, some of my colleagues who were also part of the group their first reaction was to laugh me to scorn.  Even one of those very close to me couldn't just stop laughing at me. They laughed so much at me and I looked so foolish to myself that I decided to cancel the group.  But the Lord said I should go and re-create the group again which I did. Today, through that platform many people have been blessed and many lives transformed.  I had to go past my fear of being mocked and the fact that I was being mocked to be able to do what God asked me to do.   God used just two people to strengthen and encourage me to continue in the assignment.  You know many believers have not done what God asked them to do just because of f
MASTER AND OVERCOME MOCKERY PART 1 LUKE 23:35-39 Over time one of the devices of the devil against the saints is mockery and God does not want us to be ignorant of the enemy's devices, 2Corinthians 2:11.  He uses mockery to weaken the strength and faith of saints in God. Mockery has three major objectives: 1). To provoke us to anger, Proverbs 29:8 says, " Scorners set a city aflame, but wise men turn away anger. That is the intention of the devil to provoke you and get you angry. Read also Nehemiah 4:5. 2) To cause us to slack our hands in the assignment that we are doing by weakening our strength, Nehemiah 2:19. 3) To make us look foolish to ourselves, Nehemiah 4:1-4 Walking through scriptures we see it scattered all over both in the new and old testament. Ishmael mocked Isaac, Genesis 21:9.  That is the son born by the flesh mocking the son born by promise, flesh mocking the spirit, Galatians 4:29.  When the exile returned to build the wall of Jerusalem, the devil through pe