THE DISCIPLINE OF CONFORMITY W hen Jesus called His disciples, the offer He gave to them was the offer of being made. He said, "Come, follow me, and i will make you", Matthew 4:19. As simple as that statement looks, there is a lot contained in it. Between the calling and the sending there is a process called being made. In between when the promise was given and its manifestation is a journey called wilderness. What is the significance of a wilderness in the journey of a believer? It is the place where we become the version of us that can manifest the promise of God. When God sent His word it was to Jacob but the manifestation was upon Israel, Isaiah 9:8. The Jacob version was the one that received the promise but the version of Jacob upon which the manifestation of the promise will be seen is Israel not Jacob. In between Jacob and Israel is the process called "Being made". The call of God is first to make us before giving to us. Jesus called the twelv...