BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS Isaiah 35:3-4, Joshua 1:9 My message this morning is for those that are serving God in one capacity or the other and are becoming weary due to persecution, opposition, fear, lack of expected result and rejection. Be careful what you believe about serving God. God does not use men, He makes men and bless them. He doesn't send people and not back them, Isaiah 51:16. The more all out you go for God the more all out He shows Himself strong on your behalf, 2Chronicles 16:9. God wants to put his stamp of ownership upon you as you go about proclaiming His name. When you have humbled yourself under the mighty hands of God, what He wants to do is exalt you in due season, not debase you. It is the devil that seeks for occassion to embarass a child of God but as long as you do not give occassion to the devil he can't get you. God will always protect you with everything He has and everything He his. God told Paul I have men in this ...