THE MYSTERY OF FORGIVENESS. Matthew 5:23-26 Forgiveness is a mystery not too many people understand. When you understand the mystery of forgiveness and what it does to you, you will never hold anybody in unforgiveness again. The devil has used unforgiveness to tie down and keep in prison many children of God. They are praying and serving God, yet they seem not to be getting much result. What could be wrong? One of the many things that could be responsible is Unforgiveness. Whereas, forgiveness opens the prison door to free its prisoner, unforgiveness send a man straight into prison, Matthew 5:25. Just one genuine act of forgiveness can open your heavens and pour reign of blessings upon your life overnight! It is that serious! Unfortunately, the issue of forgiveness is an area many of us have not paid much attention to. When you live in unforgiveness; you shut God out from stepping in to intervene in your matter. Unforgiveness closes the do...