
Showing posts from July, 2024
LESSONS FROM THE SHIPWRECK PART TWO Acts 27&28 This morning we shall continue from where we stopped on the lessons from the shipwreck. Another major lesson to be learnt is that a spiritual man is not the mate of an expert in any field of endeavour, Acts 27:9 Paul was a spiritual man that has seen into the future, but the captain of the ship decided to sail based on the advise of experts, interest of the owner of the ship and what the weather looks like physically, Acts 27:10&11 What this means is that if you have a spiritual.lead on any matter go with it and let it lead but where there are no spiritual lead, go with the advice of experts. One lesson again to learn from the shipwreck is that we should not discountenance people because they are of lower status, they could be the very reason why we shall be saved from trouble. Paul was a prisoner and not much attention was paid to his words until they saw the consequences of their disobedience to his counsel not to sail, A
LESSONS FROM THE SHIPWRECK  Acts 27&28 Sometimes God brings about deliverance painfully slow. He seems to take all His time. It is because what God wants you to get out of that situation is far more than just being delivered.  Sometimes what you come out with is not just the testimony of deliverance or promotion, an anointing comes upon you on the other side of it.  It is not just an affliction, it is also your test. So instead of God bringing you out at once, He makes you walk through the length and breath of the situation and then brings you out on the other side. If you can get and sustain God's perspective on any situation the problem is 50% solved.  You can't enter the house of a strong man and spoil his goods without first binding the strong man, Mark 3;27 You are a strong man and satan cannot spoil your goods without first binding you and his first weapon for binding people is fear.  He uses fear to paralyze people. It is his chiefest weapon, Hebrews 2:15 If God can