OUR SCARS: A TESTAMENT OF OUR VICTORIES John.20:27, Luke 10:34 There are certain things only someone that has been through what you have been through is qualified to speak about. If one person could have done the whole work Jesus would have chosen just one disciple. But he choose 12, then 72 and among them was a woman who was once a prostitute and out of whom He casted out seven demons. He chose a tax collector who knows what it truly means to be corrupt. He didnt chose them to throw the experience they had in the world away. He chose them because of that very experience, to help someone come out of that very deceitful life. It is death that works life! If only God needed those with perfect life experiences, then those whose life experiences are far from.perfect will not have anyone who can relate with their pain, their past and their wounds. Because they are surrounded with those that are too innocent to relate with what they are passing through or have passed through...