
Showing posts from July, 2024
OUR SCARS: A TESTAMENT OF OUR VICTORIES John.20:27, Luke 10:34 There are certain things only someone that has been through what you have been through is qualified to speak about.  If one person could have done the whole work Jesus would have chosen just one disciple. But he choose 12, then 72 and among them was a woman who was once a prostitute and out of whom He casted out seven demons.  He chose a tax collector who knows what it truly means to be corrupt. He didnt chose them to throw the experience they had in the world away. He chose them because of that very experience, to help someone come out of that very deceitful life.  It is death that works life! If only God needed those with perfect life experiences, then those whose life experiences are far from.perfect will not have anyone who can relate with their pain, their past and their wounds. Because they are surrounded with those that are too innocent to relate with what they are passing through or have passed through...
ABUSE OF FAITH PART 3 Hebrews 11:1&6 How we do business with God also affects the kinds of things that our faith can get from God.  If God gives you a good job plus multiple streams of income, you will always have enough to cater for your needs.  Unlike someone that He also gave exactly the same things but God is making a heavy demand on his profits.  God will be giving such a person things that he won't use his money to buy. Not because he doesn't want to buy but because he has no means sufficient for buying.  If the  first person tries to be like the second person, his faith will not work and he will be frustrated.  It is important in the equation of working out our faith that we find out at what point God wants us to apply our faith.  Your own faith application may be in the area of God bringing customers to your business but not to get your daily needs met directly.  You have more than enough to meet your daily needs and to even take on pr...
ABUSE OF FAITH PART 2 Hebrews 11:1&6 That God is a Spirit does not mean He is anti-scientific or anti-natural. He is the one that made provision for all these things such that whether people believe in Him or not, love Him or not, have faith in Him or not, they can still tap into these physical facilities and natural wisdom and help themselves.  He made provision for all these things, that while men are growing spiritually, they can still access salvation physically or naturally through these means.  So, He gave us wisdom to build hospitals, make drugs, build houses, train doctors and engineers such that when people are sick regardless of whether they believe in God or not they can go there and get healed.  If you insist you won't use drugs when God has not specifically told you He will heal you SUPERNATURALLY, you may be endangering your life.  The battle is not between God and doctors or hospitals or science, the battle is between God and Satan.  While you...
ABUSE OF FAITH PART 1 Hebrews 11:1&6 You are only expected to bring your faith to the table when God has spoken concerning a thing either in His Word or directly to you.  You can't apply faith for something that you desire but God doesn't want to give you.  It is only responsibility and maturity to continue making your plans or continue with your plans within the reach or boundaries of your intellect/senses, financial capability, available resources or human or logical reasoning until God speaks.  Let me give an example. I will love my children to go to a private university but what I have financial capability for without going bankrupt is a public university.  It is only responsibility, Wisdom and logical reasoning to make my plans with what I have and not what I don't have.  It is a different case entirely when I can't also afford the public university, I need divine intervention and I need to go to God now to find out how He plans to sort me out.  Yo...
UNDERSTANDING SEASONAL DEALINGS OF GOD Exodus 6:3, Hebrews 1:1&2 You can't change God's dealings in your life. You can only conform to it.  And how you conform is by looking for those people who has been through similar dealings from God to strengthen you in it.  What we do many times is that we want to change that dealing to look like other people's so that perpetually we can keep those people in our lives.  We practically want every of God's dealings in our lives to look like their own and when it does not we try to disalign or change it.  Nothing can be done against the truth but for the truth. You can only align or conform to that dealing and not fight it otherwise you won't become.  This doesn't mean those people backslided or anything they just don't represent the dealings of God in your life in that season.  If you don't understand this you will never be able to fulfil destiny, you will be strong today and weak tomorrow. Run very fast today an...