YOU ALSO HATH HE CALLED 1 CORINTHIANS 3:6-9 Imagine how hard the work of Apostle Paul would have been in the life of Timothy if there had been no Louise and Eunice to prepare the ground for his coming. May be instead of finding him in church, he would have had to pick him up among drug addicts somewhere in town. And the time he would have spent to first of all clean him up might not have allowed for God's calling to fully find expression in the life of Timothy because a mother and a grandmother failed in their assignment. As far as God is concerned, the work that Timothy's mother and grandmother did in his life was as equally important as that of Apostle Paul. When we talk of Timothy, Apostle Paul's spiritual son immediately comes to mind but we don't readily remember Louis and Eunice, his mother and grandmother. Whether we like it or not, not everybody will have the five fold kind of ministry but everybody has a ministry, a ministry as equally important as the f...