THE HIDING PLACE OF THE ANOINTING Sometimes the anointing we are looking for, God hides it for us in strange places. We think we will find it in prayer but it is not there. Then we add fasting to it, still it seems to elude us and then we try the word, still we can't find it. Sometimes, it is in serving in strange places that does not look like it at all that you will encounter the anointing you need to fulfil your own destiny. God can tell you serve this old widow till the day of her death. Ruth served Naomi and encountered her destiny. Naomi looked like the most unlikely person to carry the anointing that Ruth needs as a very young widow to fulfil her destiny, Ruth 3:1-6. Thank God for discernment on Ruth's part. Sometimes that anointing is not on the pulpit as you preach but in washing the chairs that others sit on. Moses served Jethro a midianite priest not a Jewish priest and there he encountered the anointing he needed to do destiny. Joseph served the most seeming...
Showing posts from September, 2022
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A WORD IN SEASON Revelations 22:3 I will like to share with us briefly what the Holy Spirit laid upon my heart this morning. As long as you keep looking at the wrong things you won't do the right things. Sometime ago the Lord asked me to sow a seed and I began to look at those things that I will be denied if I sow that seed. The more I focus on them, the more difficult it was for me to obey the Lord. Then the Holy Spirit spoke within my spirit and said, Whether you sow that seed or not you will survive but if you don't sow it you won't have an harvest. With that statement it lightened up everything for me. I started focusing on the harvest, instead of focusing on what it will cost me to sow that seed and with that I was able to obey Him. This is the reason why many of us sow nothing, we are not thinking of the harvest; we are only thinking of what it will cost(the temporary discomfort) to sow that seed so we have no harvest waiting for us in our future....
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GOD IS WORKING Numbers 10:33 How many times have you been tempted to think God has stopped working just because in the natural it looks as if nothing is happening? There is a particular Bible passage that has blessed me so much over time, Numbers 10:33. And they departed from the mount of the Lord three days journey and the ark of the covenant went before them in the three days journey to search out a resting place for them. From this scripture we see how God was working out the details in the journey of His people in the wilderness. God is working out the details of your life too. God has a place prepared for you but then he has to prepare you for the place He has prepared for you. He is making you fit (polish) for the palace. A time came in the life of the people of God that they thought God had forsaken and forgotten them and this was what they said, "I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought", Isaiah 49:4. But to their words and thoug...
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YOUR NEW LIFE 2Corinthians 5:17 One thing I have found out is that the things we do on a daily basis is what determines whether or not we are spiritual. Apostle Paul told Timothy his spiritual son that no man that warreth entagleth himself in civilian affairs, he is busy trying to please his commanding officer, 2 Timothy 2:4. Nobody gets spiritual focusing his attention on secular things. You don't get spiritual watching home videos, gisting and partying. The word of God says those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires but those who live according to the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires, Romans 8:5. What you do on daily basis, how you live your life is what determines whether you are spiritual or not. Living by the Spirit means yielding yourself to obey the dictates of the Spirit. The conscious effort to give yourself to the things of the Spirit is called yielding. After you have given your ...
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MAXIMIZING DIVINE VISITATION (PART 2) LUKE 19:44b There will be times in our walk with God that we will have visitations from the Lord. It is a visitation because it is not an experience that will be there forever. It is only made available for a season. For example you can have the voice of God coming to you in an unusual and greater measure than you are accustomed to. Let's say you only access the voice of God in prayer but suddenly you realize His voice comes to you effortlessly whether you are in prayer or not. It is a time of visitation, maximize it. By maximizing it I mean take advantage of that moment to receive all that God wants to say to you in that season. That is not the time to bang the door of heaven as if God cannot be found He has come to you, so sit down and listen to what He has to say. Habakkuk said I will watch to see what he will say to me, Habakkuk 2:1. There are times to pray and there are times to be still and watch what He will say unto y...
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MAXIMIZING DIVINE VISITATION LUKE 19:44b As I was about preparing this message I didn't know which title that most suit what the Holy Spirit is communicating to my heart, whether it is maximizing divine visitation or be discerning or be sensitive. You can flow with the title that the message best communicate to you. What is a visitation from the Lord? It is a period or season when the presence of the Lord is made available in an unusual dimension or greater measure than at other times. Imagine there is a man of God whose conferences you always travel to attend and you have to travel thousand of miles to be present. Infact you have to arrange ahead of time to free yourself for that conference, imagine you now suddenly hear that that man of God will be coming to your town where you are based and will spend a whole week. What will you do? Let me tell you what you will do. You will rejoice greatly and begin to free yourself of every entanglement that can stop you fro...